\documentclass{article}\usepackage[hybrid]{markdown}% The mwe package provides example images. Loading it is% not essential because those images are in LaTeX's search path.% Here, we load it for clarity in this example.\usepackage{mwe}\begin{document}\begin{markdown}This example shows how ...
Will replace the greek question mark that looks like a semicolon (0xcd 0xbe) with a regular semicolon (;) whenever possible. If interactive rebase is launched with git rebase -i, then either ctrl-w or ctrl-r will cycle the keywords for the current line (fixup, drop, edit etc). If ...
Greek Letters Uppercase Lowercase Alpha A $$\alpha$$ Beta B $$\beta$$ Gamma $$\Gamma$$ $$\gamma$$ Delta $$\Delta$$ $$\delta$$ Epsilon E $$\epsilon$$ Zeta Z $$\zeta$$ Eta H $$\eta$$ Theta $$\Theta$$ $$\theta$$ Iota I $$\iota$$ Kappa K $$\kappa$...
5 Hat accent on bold greek letters in math mode 6 Different ways to enter mathmode - pros and cons 5 Vertical spacing between character and \hat 5 Centered hat over bold letter with subscript in \newcommand 1 On difference between calligrafy and script typeface 1 Problem redefining ha...
The structure of all package files can be roughly described in the next four parts: Identification. The file declares itself as a package written with theLaTeX2εsyntax. Preliminary declarations. Here the external packages needed are imported. Also, in this part of the file the commands and def...
Tip 7. Use Greek letters and maths/stats for precision and brevity. Explain intuitions in English. Don't assume familiarity. Maths and stats is complex at the best of times, so make it easy to follow both what you're doing and why. ...
而“心障”往往是影响初级研究人员工作效率的一大重要因素——看过风靡全球的PhD Comics的读者一定对漫画主人公的“拖延症生活“印象深刻。从具体方法与细节上着手,在我看来是比较靠谱的提高效率的方法。以下主要都是看书时的一些笔记:有作者反复强调的内容以及一些”花边“的素材My aim is to help graduate students ...
Area Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications. In the past, he served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Communications Letters, and IEEE Access, and was a past Guest Editor for a special issue of IEEE Journal on...
Will replace the greek question mark that looks like a semicolon (0xcd 0xbe) with a regular semicolon (;) whenever possible. If interactive rebase is launched with git rebase -i, then either ctrl-w or ctrl-r will cycle the keywords for the current line (fixup, drop, edit etc). If...
The structure of all package files can be roughly described in the next four parts: Identification. The file declares itself as a package written with theLaTeX2εsyntax. Preliminary declarations. Here the external packages needed are imported. Also, in this part of the file the commands and def...