Essay Writing Using the 4 Square Method for Beginners (Semester Part 1) English Very good coverage on all type of easy writing like Descriptive, Opinion, Narrative etc. She corrected all of the... Show More... Vimalraj K. on Nov 28 Let's Write: Ongoing English Writing Course Full Curric...
I am so grateful for the service that you provide. Lynda did a really miraculous job! As I am not a native speaker (I mean English is not my mother tongue), I was always wondering how I sound in English. Now I see my weak points and hope I'll manage to improve them. Chris G,...
The LaTeX typesetting system, for example, has proven to be a powerful tool for researchers in fields where tables, figures, and formulae are regular manuscript features. Like any technology, there are tips and tricks that can make ...
I had been trying to master writing blog posts for nearly three years. I had taken many of the most popular online blogging courses. But they didn’t get me to the point of knowing how to do it. I was frustrated and at the point of giving up. Then, I received an email from Hennek...
When it comes to project management dashboard software tools, the first thing that comes to mind for many people is the Gantt chart! This is… 02-16-2023 Reporting Tools | 19 min read What Is Financial Reporting? And Why It… This article is designed for beginners to learn the basic...
In this beginners’ guide, we walk you through them. Get Started What you will learn Practical advice to get you started Guidance on using the system Some golden rules and common mistakes Total Time 5+ hours Compl...
Which was tricky as the whole thing was protected by a listing, necessitating a consent from English Heritage. Early signs weren’t good, but someone spoke to someone who knew someone… and we got the consent. I’m not sure what the repercussions might have been had we failed. The ...
How to Publish Your Book and Sell Your First 1,000 Copies How to Submit a Short Story for Publication 11 Writing Prompts Need inspiration or just a kick in the pants to write. Try one of ourtop writing prompts: Grandfathers [writing prompt] ...
Finally, for words with three or more syllables, you add “most” before the adjective, as with these examples. Three or More Syllables in a Word Of course, this wouldn’t be English grammar without some exceptions! Here’s a list of irregular adjectives that don’t follow the above super...
Brando Skyhors (Visiting Assistant professor of Creative Writing), Amy Bloom (Distinguished University Writer in Residence and Director of the Shapiro Centre for Creative writing, Amity Gaige (Visiting Scholar in Creative Writing), and Salvator Scibons (Frank B. Weeks Visiting Professor of English)....