This information is provided for parents of children looking for writing contests. You should be able to find more local writing contests for kids by checking with the library or with your child's teachers. Be sure to read any contest and/or submission guidelines carefully. ...
Writing Contests for Kids: Creative Writing and Artistic Contests Online There are lots ofcreative writing contestsavailable for kids. Before you select one online, however, make sure the contest is being put on by a reputable company. I’ve highlighted a few that offer something unique to the ...
authentic audience—a real panel of judges—and the possibility of prize money or other incentives. We’ve gathered a list of the best student writing contests, and there’s something here for everyone. Prepare highly motivated kids in need of an authentic writing mentor, and watch the words ...
It is our goal to help your student find their creative competition through expressing their thoughts and feelings with the power of writing. Our writing contests are open to the U.S. and are broken down by grade divisions. Enter your students today in one of our many contests for their wo...
6 Great Story Contests for Kids By Catherine Sustana 03 of 08 Engineer Girl! EngineerGirl, an entity of The National Academy for Engineering, holds an essay contest every year for aspiring young engineers. Entrants are required to evaluate one of their own engineering designs in a short essay...
Contests and blogs are only two of the many ways you can offer your students the opportunity to write with a purpose. The best way to practice writing is to write, and the more often, the better. There may still be a few boring assignments, but if you provide teens with the opportunity...
Thinking about attending college or grad school for creative writing?Our articles onwhether or not you should major in creative writingandthe best creative writing programsare there for you! Plus, if you're a high schooler, you should check out thesetop writing contests. ...
It’s been winter for as long as you can remember. For the first time in years the sun comes out, things begin to melt and show a world beneath the snow. Describe what’s happening and how people are reacting. You were raised by a pack of wild animals, and are coming across humans...
contests. Be sure to carefully review any contest before entering. Pay close attention to the terms, rights, fees, prize money, judges and rules. You can also view a list of just thepoetry contestsand a list ofwriting contests for kids. You can also view a list of all the contestshere...
Kids can write stories to enter into writing contests for a chance to win prizes or have their work featured. 24) Make signs for a lemonade stand or garage sale. If your family is having a garage sale this summer have your child make the signs to advertise it and help price items. Ano...