in Educational Leadership and Learning Technologies, Adelman has taught university and elementary students, having been nominated for the Disney Teacher of the Year Award on multiple occasions. She loves sharing writing tips with educators, children, teens and writers. She is married with two children...
Need Veterans Day Activities for Elementary Students? You’re in the right place! We’ve been putting together some fantastic resources to guide your instruction surroundingU.S.Patriotic Holidays, including Veteran’s Day. This Veterans Day Vocabulary and Writing Center provides a fun, interactive wa...
This article looks at the use of direct instruction to teach writing to elementary through high school students. It also includes analyses of the author's writing behaviors across three years while writing works of creative nonfiction, behavior analysis articles, and poetry. The analyses include ...
For example, students with higher IQ scores were placed in the outstanding class; average ones joined the intermediate class, and slower students were destined (注定) for the “bottom_class”. I was placed in the “bottom class” as a result of my below-average IQ score. Most of m...
Preschool teachers’ literacy-related beliefs and literacy knowledge relate to their educational practices and preschoolers’ literacy skills. In
Perfect for setting goals, writing resolutions, and encouraging self-reflection, this resource blends fun and education seamlessly. Designed with a disco theme, it’s ideal for elementary and middle school classrooms to help students start the year with excitement and pur...
Kim has taught at the preschool, kindergarten and early elementary levels for 16 years. With extensive experience working with special needs children, including her own children with special needs (Rett Syndrome, autism, anxiety, and ADHD), she creates hands-on curricula and activities that are ...
One of the immediate ways that this happens is through the many, many students who come to us from one Jefferson County’s twenty-four high schools. As we see an uptick in partnerships between university writing centers and high schools across the country, this week’s blog post is written...
This work centers around the computational study of Spanish word and syllable structure in documents written by 2nd and 3rd year elementary school students. The studied texts were compared against a corpus of short stories aimed at the same age group, so as to observe whether the children tend ...
Our novel Stealing Time (Linden Tree Press) centers on a fictional yellow diamond, the Desert Sun. As part of our world-building, we sprinkled in numerous details about diamonds, including their age (sometimes billions of years!), physical structure, cultural significance (protections and curses ...