BUSINESS WRITING 商务英语写作 BUSINESSWRITING 外语教学与研究出版社 1 FunctionsofBusinessWriting 1.2.3.ToinformToinfluenceToentertain 外语教学与研究出版社 2 Toinform Messagestoinformareusedtoconveythevastamountofinformationneededtocompletetheday-to-dayoperations.Themajorpurposeofmostofthesemessagesisto...
Unit 1 Business Letter Writing商务信函写作 TypesofBusinessCommunications e-mailmessages,memos,letters,reports,phonecalls,meetingsandconversations.E-mailMessage Becauseofitsspeedandinformality,e-mailisidealforroutinecommunicationbetweencoworkers.Forinstance,ane-mailmessageisusuallythebestmeansofannouncinganew...
Part Two Basic Requirements for Business Writing Unit 1 Functions & Essential Qualities of Business Writing 1. Functions of Business Writing Generally speaking, the functions of business writing are: (1) to inform, (2) to influence and (3) to entertain. 1.1. The First Function—To Inform Mess...
A business requirements document (BRD) describes the problems that a project aims to solve and the required outcomes necessary to deliver value. Set your project up for success—follow these tips for writing a perfect business requirements document.
What Is a Business Requirements Document? A business requirements document (BRD) determines the success or failure of a project. If well written, it directs the project and ensures everyone is on the same page. The BRD is an official document that shows what a company hopes to achieve in ...
The format and writing requirements of such letters are stricter and should be treated with caution. 1.事务书信的格式 business letters It usually consists of seven parts: letter header, addressee's name, address, address, text, ending phrase, signature and others. ...
There are two examples below: Now when we have all our terms defined and have clearly described who interacts with the system, we can discuss how to write requirements. Levels of Requirements One of the important concepts that we applied developing the requirements was dividing them into levels....
2. Outline “unique requirements” Next, outline your “unique requirements.” These are elements that are distinct to your project. Identify these requirements to ensure that the course is built to support them. Here are a few examples of unique course requirements we have helped design: ...
BUSINESS WRITING 英文商务写作 BUSINESSWRITING Wanglili Lecture1 Whatdoyouknowaboutbusinesswriting?VerbalcommunicationinbusinesscontextTosend&receiveinformation,ideas,attitudes,emotionsforspecificpurposesOfincreasingsalesandprofitsandtoEstablishgoodrelationshipwithcustomers,employees,generalpublic HowBWdiffersfromGenericWritin...
Business Writing Tips 商务英语写作秘诀 ProfessorCOON •Purposeofbusinesswritingistotellasmuchasneededforthereaderasclearlyandasquicklyaspossible.–Thesetipswillenableyouto:1.Reducethetimespentcomposingyourmessages.2.Choosethemostappropriateexpressionsfordifferentsituations.3.Makeiteasierforreaderstounderstandyou.4....