8/28/2011 1MWriting Bad-News Messagessix"Using tact and courtesy helps the reader accept bad news."6-2Overview Why Indirect Order for Bad News Messages A General Indirect Order Plan Adaptations of the General Plan to SpecificSituations–Refused Requests – Adjustment Refusals – Negative ...
directness in good-news and routine messages,indirectness in bad-news messages,3. indirectness in persuasion,sample analysis,sample 1-1,dear sir: we wish to acknowledge receipt of your credit application dated february 17 giving trade and bank references, and we thank 17、 you for the same. ...
writing negative messages 中山大学 商务沟通 NegativeMessages Threetypesofnegativemessages:❖Refusingrequests❖Refusingclaims❖Announcingbadnewstocustomers andemployees.Strategiesforbreakingbadnews:Weusuallyusetheindirectpatterntopreparethereader.Theindirectplanconsistsoffourmainparts:❖Buffer❖Reasons❖Bad...
1. Directness in Good-news and Routine Messages To present good-news or routine information deductively, begin with the major idea, followed by supporting details, and end with goodwill. 2. Indirectness in Bad-news Messages The main reason for this approach is that negative messages are received...
With both writer and reader angry, the two are not likely to get together on whatever the letter is about. Basic Patterns of Business Writing 1. Directness in Good-news and Routine Messages Indirectness in Bad-news messages 3. Indirectness in Persuasion 优选 * 下载文档 收藏 分享 赏 0...
新加坡国立大学The National University of Singapore 热度: 女孩要富养--杨澜269 热度: 计算机知识windows系统:开始--运行--命令大全0421050529第一期 热度: LetterWriting:Format LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: Tounderstandthekeyelementsyouneedtopayattentiontowhenformattingyour businessmessages ...
2. Indirectness in Bad-news Messages (inductive sequence) 1) a buffer; 2) reasons supporting the negative decision; 3) a clear, diplomatic statement of the negative decision; 4) a helpful, friendly, and positive close. 3. Indirectness in Persuasion set up the strategy, present the strategy,...
L1 An overview of business writing BusinessEnglishwriting 教学目的 “商务英语写作”首先强调写作知识和写作技能的学习,在培养句、段落等语言能力写作训练的基础上,学习如何实用商务写作模式、专业术语、常用句型、语言修辞等,掌握各种不同类型的商务文书(如商务信函、备忘录、商务报告、企划书)的写作格式和规范,...
BUSINESS WRITING 商务英语写作 BUSINESSWRITING 外语教学与研究出版社 1 FunctionsofBusinessWriting 1.2.3.ToinformToinfluenceToentertain 外语教学与研究出版社 2 Toinform Messagestoinformareusedtoconveythevastamountofinformationneededtocompletetheday-to-dayoperations.Themajorpurposeofmostofthesemessagesisto...
The direct approach is used for good news or routine communication; the indirect approach is used for persuasive, sales, or bad news messages. A directly stated purpose is welcome in good news or routine messages but could be viewed as abrupt or insensitive in a bad news or persuasive message...