IfYouReceivedThisLetter… Hey, Thanksforthetwothousanddollars.Itwillhelpmakemy finalyearherewaymucheasier.Thecostofeverythingis reallygettingoutofhand.Iamdeeplyhonoredtorecievethis money. Asforthefuture,Idon’tknowyet—perhapsI’llgofor anotheranotherdegreeorgetajob.I’dreallyliketomoveto ...
And in fact, other studies have suggested that when an animal creates an alarm, the alarm call might cause the other group members either to gather together or else to move about very quickly, behaviors that might actually draw the predator’s attention away from the caller, increasing that ...
which stole the spotlight from the day which should have been solely devoted to an American hero,Martin Luther King Jr. Instead, that martyred champion of human rights had to share his legacy’s attention with a traitor to democracy and decency, who, as ...
The D.M.V. is so hated because it does not make status distinctions. You can’t pay to separate yourself from the masses.Everyone has to search the same cumbersome websites for the right forms. You have to compete for an appointment or show up early, whether you have a high net worth...
“I read their newsletter cover to cover. I’ve been a monthly donor[8]for several years….” Obviously thinking me to be a kindred spirit in the cause of elephant liberation,FPLbegan to dig into a large satchel she carried that was crammed with papers and pamphlets. ...
It’s just that, sometimes when I read aDear Abby-type letter, I can’t help but think, “No, really – we’re supposed to believe that you *don’t* know what to do in this situation?” I started reading advice columns when I started reading newspapers, which was…I can’t rememb...
repercussions among freethinkers and humanists.Moiselfcan’t put it better than this freethinker did in her letter to Barker & Gaylor (full text of letter can be foundhere, in the comments section;my emphases): “I’m not sure which disheartens me more: your treatment of Jerry Coyne ...
Department Of Realization/Appreciation Of The Day Sub-Department Of The Calm Before The Complaints The juices from a roasting butternut squash, when they spill onto the roasting tray and caramelize, produce an absolutely, mouth-liquidingly, soothing, delicious aroma. ...
Department Of Realization/Appreciation Of The Day Sub-Department Of The Calm Before The Complaints The juices from a roasting butternut squash, when they spill onto the roasting tray and caramelize, produce an absolutely, mouth-liquidingly, soothing, delicious aroma. ...