Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三 )Rending comprehension. (理解)(共24分) A Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容,选择最 当的答案,)(6分)Today I wrote a letter to my penfriend Derek who lives far, far away. I wrote Derek's name and address on an envelope. I put a stamp on the top...
In the simplest terms, what would your reaction be if you received mail and the envelope was a scribbled mess? You took the time to learn how an envelope should look but, through no fault of your own, it couldn’t be delivered. Including your return address on the back of an envelope...
1.Thenameofthewriterandaddresseeiswrittenfirstinaseparateline;thenthenumberofhis/herhouse,followedbythenameoftheroad/street,onthesameline;thenthetown/citywherehe/shelives;thentheprovince/stateandthepostalcode;andlastlythecountry,iftheletterisaninternationalone.AddressinganEnvelope Tips 2.Road,Street,Avenuecan...
4) Inside name and address封内名称和地址 The inside address should be the same as the name and address on the envelope. As a secretary or a typist in a business company will perhaps type dozens of letters address an identical number of envelopes each day, the ...
Write a letter and address an envelope according to the following information.,a. Writers name: Dove Trading Co. Ltd b. Writers address: 283 Red House Street, Dalian, 116000, P.R. China c. Date: May 5, 2005 d. Receive 16、rs name: Deep Blue Food Company e. Receivers address: 23 ...
writing letters Letters Typesofletters Accordingtothewritingways:personalletters mayhaveacasualandinformalstyleliketalkingtoafriendDon’tcaremuchabouttheform.businessletters adoptamoreformalstyleFormatisdifferent.一.书信的构成英语书信一般由信头、日期、信内地址、称呼、信头、信头日期、信内地址、称呼、正文、结束...
1、Letters,personal letters,Types of letters,business letters,According to the writing ways:,may have a casual and informal style like talking to a friend Dont care much about the form.,adopt a more formal style Format is different.,一. 书信的构成 英语书信一般由信头、日期、信内地址、称呼、...
Guidelines ofBusinessLetter-writing ---3Csor7Cs Parts ofBusinessLetters ---Tomasterthestructureofabusinessletter;StudythelayoutofabusinessEnglishletterandaddresstheenvelope.ⅠEssentialsofBusinessLetter-writing 3Cs:1.Clearness:Meaning:Makesurethatwhatyouwriteissoclearthatitcan’tbemisunderstood.
If you are writing an address, whether typed or handwritten, on an envelope to be mailed via the post office, the U.S. Postal Service recommends that you do not use any punctuation. Use all CAPS. Center the address on the envelope and use a flush left margin. Put room, suite, and ...