相信很多人都知道思维导图,现在已经成为我们生活和办公的必须品,但是在国外用的最多的还是一种叫Anchor Chart 的海报(Anchor在英文里是“锚”的意思,带有向导的含义)。 什么是锚图? 锚图是将知识进行抽丝剥茧后所总结出来的提纲、方法、策略、...
今天分享 英文写作技巧海报 Writing Anchor Chart~26个英语写作具体技巧。 觉得有用可以点击左下角“ 赞同”支持一下哦,资料有点多,建议收藏。 免费领取资料: 宫-zong-浩:文博妈的百宝箱 中国孩子在学习英文的…
Read examples of opinion writing together as a class so students can see what each of the 5 paragraphs are and what they should look like. Write an opinion essay together as a class. Provide a graphic organizer and a list of topics for students to write about. Have students use their gra...
similes and metaphors writing poster anchor chart明喻隐喻写作海报锚图.pdf,TERMS OF USE SHARING COPIES OF THIS RESOURCE IS ILLEGAL. You may not redistribute your purchase to anyone, including uploading it to any website for others to download. This licens
Explore persuasive letter writing with your students using this annotated anchor chart illustrating the format for persuasive letters. Slide PDF Grade 6 Free Plan Persuasive Writing Planning Template A planning template to use when writing a persuasive or opinion text. Multiple Formats Grade s ...
area model multiplication anchor chart area model multiplication template area model multiplication 3 digit by 1 digit area model template Multiplication Area Model Area Model Template Division Area Model Worksheets Two-by-Two Area Model Multiplication Worksheets Te...
The world's comprehensive online academic library. Free Thesis and Essay Samples on marketing, business, management, mba essays, dissertations, swot analysis samples and case study examples
=nil{fmt.Println(err)return}f.SetSheetRow("Sheet1",cell,&row) }iferr:=f.AddChart("Sheet1","E1",&excelize.Chart{Type:excelize.Col3DClustered,Series: []excelize.ChartSeries{ {Name:"Sheet1!$A$2",Categories:"Sheet1!$B$1:$D$1",Values:"Sheet1!$B$2:$D$2", }, {Name:"Sheet1!
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You could make a list on an anchor chart of all of the descriptions, or have students keep notes of what they hear. Having these examples is going to help them with their writing activity later. Having models handy doesn’t mean they’ll copy, it means they will have some good examples...