To learn more about literature, review the accompanying lesson called Writing an Objective Summary of a Story. This lesson covers the following objectives: Understand the meaning of objective summary Learn how to write an objective summary Look at a well-known text to determine the aspects of its...
CharacteristicsofaSummary 1.1.LengthLength Asummaryshouldusuallybeabout oneone--fourthfourthtooneone--thirdthirdaslongas theoriginalpassage. ★Youmayusefewerwordsthanthe numberprescribed,butinnocase mayyouexceedthelimit. 2.2.PointofViewPointofView Usethethirdpersonpointof view 3.3.ToneTone::objectiveand...
Writing_a_summary总结 WritingaSummary WhatisaSummary?•Asummaryisacondensationofthemainideasinanarticle.•Thegoalofthesummaryistogivereadersanobjective,complete,accurateandbalancedviewofanarticletheyhavenotread.Thethreefeaturesofagoodsummary •Theobjectivityofasummary•Thecompletenessofasummary•Thebalanceof...
1、Summary Writing,Objectives,After Studying the unit, the students should be able to: Write a summary,She brought home several Chinese and English novels, a few copies of Time and Newsweek, and some textbooks. She intended to read all of them during the winter vacation,She brought home a ...
Writing+a+Summary Writing a Summary A summary is also referred to as an abstract in which you reduce material in an original work to its main points and key supporting detail. Unlike an outline, however, a summary does not use symbols such as I, A, 1, 2, etc., to indicate the ...
Guidelines for writing a SUMMARY The purpose of a summary is to give the reader a clear, objective picture of the original lecture or text. Most importantly, the summary restates only the main points of a text or a lecture without giving examples or details, such as dates, numbers or stat...
Summary Writing of a Single Text Writingasummaryofasingletext •Asawriter,youdecidewhatgoesintoyoursummarybasedonwhatthesummaryneedstodoforyourreaders.Ifyouwriteasummarytoremindyourselfaboutthecontentofanarticleyoureadaspartofalargeresearchproject,you'lldecideabouthowmuchdetailtoincludeinyoursummarybasedonthe...
1.LengthAsummaryshouldusuallybeaboutone-fourthtoone-thirdaslongastheoriginalpassage、★Youmayusefewerwordsthanthenumberprescribed,butinnocasemayyouexceedthelimit、2.PointofViewUsethethirdpersonpointofview 3.Tone:objectiveandimpersonalDon’texpressourownideas,butfaithfullyrepresentstheideasoftheoriginalwriting、4....
By using objective language you set an open and honest atmosphere for the appraisal meeting. Similarly, every time you refer back to therole descriptionand its responsibilities or refer to supporting evidence you demonstrate that you have evaluated their performance fairly. ...