Know (and use) correct lingo. It looks bad when a musician gets these terms wrong in their bio. It also looks awkward when an up-and-coming artist writes that they “performed with” a really big act when in fact they just performed at the same festival–maybe even on the same stage...
transparency, and a professional touch. Once you submit an order, you can rest easy knowing that your biography is in safe, reliable hands. You will never regret your choice and come back for more assistance with anything bio-related, guaranteed!
transparency, and a professional touch. Once you submit an order, you can rest easy knowing that your biography is in safe, reliable hands. You will never regret your choice and come back for more assistance with anything bio-related, guaranteed!
Writing your artist or band bio can be a daunting task. It’s not easy to sum up who you are and what you represent in an eye-catching and effective way. But by following these simple guidelines you’ll be on the right track to crafting a winner. Erica D’Aurorais the owner of the...
BIO Katarina is a writer, artist, and digital creator who lives on the road full-time in her van, traveling alongside her rescue dog, Manuka. Once an award-winning actress, Katarina stepped away from the film industry to embrace a more authentic, nomadic life. Her journey has taken her fr...
On March 31, 1685, an artist was born that would give Western music a kick in the pants. Johann Sebastian Bach, one of the greatest composers of all time, may have enjoyed success as a musician during his life, but his significant influence can still be heard more than two centuries lat...
You’re not the only freelance writer to get nervous aboutwriting your bio. Be prepared to write multiple versions until you can find the right balance of being interesting, informative, and concise while avoiding being cliché or vague.
”To that end, before publication, if you have an opt-in report or subscriber gift that you think would be of interest to potential readers of your book, you can promote your opt-in offer onyour blog and social media accounts, as well as inyour bio on guest posts, and anywhere else ...
ARTIST BIO Robert Steven Connett is a self-taught artist living in Los Angeles, California. His beautifully realized visions of an unseen world teeming with vibrant and complex lifeforms open windows into a universe that we rarely contemplate. Microscopic biological phenomena in nature, flora, and...
autobiografía autobiography [ˌɔːtəʊbaɪˈɒgrəfɪ]N→autobiografíaf Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 ...