For years, I’ve been on medication for panic and anxiety. I tried going off them a couple of years ago and lasted about six months before going into a full on meltdown, swallowing my pride, and realising that drugs for mental health should have no more stigma or judgment attached to t...
Even when the comments written on receipts are positive, such as when an anonymous Olive Garden diner paid for a Muslim family’s meal on Christmas and expressed his/her admiration for the “beautiful family,” or a restaurant owner who gave a 15% discount to a family for praying before ea...
and I have an enduring fondness forfinding things out.Therefore I didn’t (and don’t)mindthe mountain of research, which continues each day and helps me push the plot along. But it does tend to slow things down temporarily, by which I mean (almost) stop them entirely. What is necessar...
Honestly, when Hatem reached out, I had mixed feelings. Awards set apart one person from the others and creates hierarchy. Awards more often than not appeal to one’s ego. I am in favor of an egalitarian society over a hierarchical one. I’m not in favor of awards for teachers because ...
Single-payer and other models for health care financing Differences from "Medicare for All" and "Universal health care coverage" Social Security and veterans benefits, pensions, and annuities EINs and other things you need to know about The stages of grief Writing a legacy letter (an eth...
An Open Letter to the Doctor Who Saved My Father’s Life Posted on September 8, 2015 by newdaynewmood To The Doctor Who Saved My Father’s Life, I can’t refer to you by name because I never actually met you. But the nurses have assured me you are indeed real, and a very ...
One way to experiment withsecond personis to write as if the story is a letter from the narrator to “you,” reflecting on past events and current feelings, asking questions. (It doesn’t have to be in an actual letter form; the idea of a letter is simply a way to describe the intim...
It also can be a form of self-medication. As Maya Angelou demonstrated withI Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, revealing personal experiences can be immensely liberating, offering relief to others in the process. Help others Writing can be a way to help others. “The idea is to write it so...
and they did not need medication.Another forty-three were also helped.The symptoms of the asthma occurred less frequently, and when they did, they were not as strong.Most of the children also felt better about themselves.Doctors have also used suggestion to change habits like nail-biting, thum...
1. a title for a friend or family member. “Michael is my cuz.” 2. a gang term for Crips “Whut up cuz?” d’ oh 1. An exclamation one uses to comment on foolish action. D’s 1. Dayton Rims. Expensive custom rims for cars. “I just got a new cadillac and I think that I...