网络跨学科写作 网络释义 1. 跨学科写作 ...FT”写作教学模式是近年由美国学者开发出来的一种“跨学科写作”(writing-across-the-curriculum)教学模式,在美国中小学教 …|基于3个网页
Writing Across the CurriculumWACTeaching Writing in the DisciplinesThis essay explains in practical terms what Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) means in the context of a law school curriculum and why a law school may want toSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
considered in depth one such strategy: the set of theories and practices known as Writing across the Curriculum (WAC), an educational initiative that originated in Britain at the secondary school level in the 1960s, and was adapted to undergraduate higher education in the United States in the ...
Moreover, students continually practiceA CimochowskiRoutledge Companion to English Studies
Now in an updated second edition "How to Teach Writing Across the Curriculum: Ages 6-8" provides a range of practical suggestions for teaching non-fiction writing skills and linking them to children's learning across the entire curriculum. Providing a number of suggestions for teachers and puttin...
内容简介· ··· This thorough and engaging guide to research in the humanities, sciences, social sciences, and business teaches students to explore the entire research process, including intellectual inquiry and critical thinking. Researching and Writing Across the Curriculum provides discipline-specific...
iversity of Arizona Writing Across the Curriculum at the University of ArizonaWriting Across the Curriculum at the University of ArizonaDiane ClymerDuane Harley Roen
2: Shared, Guided and Independent Writing About the book Now in an updated second edition How to Teach Writing Across the Curriculum: Ages 6-8 provides a range of practical suggestions for teaching non-fiction writing skills and linking them to children's learning across the entire curriculum. ...
6: Introduction to Writing across the CurriculumDisciplines and Discourse Communities Reading, Writing, and Researching in General Education Courses Examples of General Education Mission Statements Differences between the First-Year Writing Course and Writing in General Education Courses Reading, Writing, and...