express and support your personal opinion (表达并支持你的个人观点) make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.(用自己的语言,参与到讨论中) An effective response will contain at least 100 words. 重点是加黑的部分,所以学术讨论写作,不光要清晰地表达出自己的选择或者立场、看法,还要参与到...
This is the second writing question on the TOEFL iBT Test. Get more samples and a template here. You can also check out my guide to this task
TOEFL Academic Discussion Writing Question: AI This is the second writing question on the TOEFL iBT Test.Get more samples here. — Your professor is teaching a class on computer science. Write a post responding to the professor’s question. In your response, you should ...
The page is an online resource to help students prepare TOEFL Writing for an Academic Discussion, a short academic essay to share your opinion in an online discussion with a professor and other students. These writing questions are from test-takers and other public resources. It's maintained wee...
The writing section is the fourth section of the TOEFL iBT test and takes about 50 minutes to complete. It consists of two separate tasks: an Integrated Writing task and an Academic Discussion Writing task. The Independent task requires you to write an opinionated essay based on your own knowl...
Write a response that contributes to the discussion. You will have 10 minutes to write your response. It is important to use your own words in the response. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 100 words, but we recommend writing around 150 words. Start Create an ...
Writing for Academic Discussion (Writing Question Two) Here’s a template that focuses on expanding on and challenging the points mentioned by the other students. This is a challenging topic, but I think that [respond directly to the question].I strongly agree with [student]’s idea that [me...
Improve English writing skills, build vocabulary, and understand grammar to achieve academic and business success. These are also good for practicing independent speaking questions, too — just give yourself 45 seconds to talk on these subjects. 1. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for ...
These participants completed two writing test tasks of the TOEFL-iBT (integrated and independent tasks) and an academic assignment for one of the university courses they enrolled in. Textual features of the test and academic assignment texts were compared on 20 linguistic and discoursal features. ...