Section 5 Writing an argumentative letter about studying abroad 题型解读 谋篇思路 讨论事物的优缺点属于议论文,应突出事物的优点、缺点等重要信息 首段:提出自己的观点主体段落:说理论证自己的观点尾段:再次表达自己的观点必背短语 1. face great economic pressure 面对巨大的经济压力 2. tuition fees学费 3. li...
Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Write a letter to the editor expressing your own opinions about studying abroad Sample Letter Dear Editor, Many people ask the question,“Why study abroad? After all, there are many great universities and schools in China that attract 免费下载 加入资源篮 开通轻享会员...
1. know two parents’ opinions about the advantages and the disadvantages of studying abroad. 2. conclude the basic writing structure of the argumentative writing. 3. understand the roles of connectors and use them correctly...
For example, in the paragraph about studying abroad, there are two main ideas: People who study abroad can get a better job, and they will become more independent. Each of these ideas is discussed, one after the other, with examples, reasons and results to support them. This is logical o...
Allthingsconsidered,Ihopeyoucanchoosetostudyabroadandstartanewlife. Yours, LiHua 写作积累 赞成方: (1)About...(比例)of...commentonitfavorably.Theybelievethat... (2)About...(比例)of...holdtheviewthatitmakesgoodsenseto... 反对方: (1)However,some40%of...arestronglyagainst...Theyarguethat....
1、人教版 选择性必修二Period 5 Reading for Writing: write about the argumentative lettersUnit 2 Bridging Cultures1人教版 选择性必修二Period 5 Reading fo1.To express opinions about studying abroad.2. To learn about the authors writing techniques;3. To learn to use connectors to make the ...
Expressyouropiniononstudyingabroad Learningobjectives Bytheendofthissection,youwillbeableto:1.learnandunderstandsomenewwordsandphrases,suchas strengthen,optimisticandsidewith;2.readtwolettersaboutstudyingabroadtofindmainpointsand supportingreasons;3.learnaboutthefeatureoftheargumentativeessay;4.writealettertoexpress...
Stepl Lead-in (3') 1.Enjoy a video about studying abroad. And analyse the advantages of studying abroad. 2.As we know,every coin has two sides, There are many advantages of studying abroad,so studying abroad must also have some disadvantages. 老师与学生分享 出国留学的视频,介 绍出国留学...
Activity1Alocalnewspaperhasinvitedparentstosharetheiropinionsaboutstudyingabroad.Readthesetwolettersandunderline:Themainpointofeachletter;Thereasonsfortheiropinions.Mainpoint:Ithinkthedisadvantages(ofstudyingabroad)foryoungpeoplearegreater.Reasons:Tobeginwith,manystudentswhostudyabroad facegreateconomicpressure.Another...
8.Tosumup,onecannotdenythefactthatstudyingabroadhasitsdisadvantages,sowhenyouthinkaboutstudying(study)abroad,youshouldconsiderthesemanyfactors(factor).(P20左Para.5) 结构分析:此句是并列复合句,that引导的是同位语从句,when引导的是时间状语从句。 汉语翻译:综上所述,我们无法否认的事实是:留学有其弊端。因此当...