Section 5 Writing a summary 题型解读 谋篇思路 概要写作是对原文的高度浓缩,是阅读者在不改变原文的中心思想、体裁和结构的前提下用简洁、精炼的语言表述一篇文章的主要内容、基本观点或事实 一审——把握原文文体特征,理清文章结构二定——利用原文信号词,寻找段落中心句,提取要点三转换——对要点运用语义转换满分素...
Writing+a+Summary Writing a Summary A summary is also referred to as an abstract in which you reduce material in an original work to its main points and key supporting detail. Unlike an outline, however, a summary does not use symbols such as I, A, 1, 2, etc., to indicate the ...
A summary example of Hamlet would mention the main plot points like the murder of Polonius, but wouldn’t mention details irrelevant to the plot, like Polonius’s “to thine own self be true” monologue. The key to summary writing is to stick to the facts; do not include opinions, ...
Summarizing, or writing a summary, means giving a brief overview of a text's main points in your own words.For example, when you're writing an academic text like an essay, a research paper, or a dissertation (学位论文),you'll integrate sources in a variety of ways. 36 But it's ofte...
Summarywritingisanexerciseincompression - omittheunnecessarydetailsreducethenumberofexamplesSimplifythedescriptionsEliminateallrepetitions -Compresswordysentences LengthofaSummary A summaryshouldbeaboutone-thirdtooneforthaslongastheoriginalcomposition.Forexample:anarticleof1000wordsshouldbe250to300words.lengthofa...
Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What is an example of a summary? In Bob Weir's argument for clean water, he states that water is a basic human right for American citizens. Clean water can aid in digestion, thermal regulation, and cleanliness. When there is no access to clean wat...
Example:SummaryofaStory Writeasummaryofthestory.Yourwritingwillbescoredonhowwellyou: . identifyanddiscussthecharacters,conflict,andsetting; . retelltheimportanteventsoftheplot(complications,climax,andresolution)inyourownwords, exceptforquotations;and . expresstheunderlyingmeaning(theme)ofthestory; 2.Read,...
Informative : It synthesizes and provides an overview, from the important data of a document. For example, a scientific article or a press summary. Or it collects information from various sources on the same topic. Unify the concepts taking only the main aspects and elaborate a synthesis of ...
II. Summary writing.(概要写作。 )Directions: Read the following passage and then write a summary of this passage in about 50words.In general, people talk about two groups of colours: warm colours and cool colours.Researchers in psychology think that there are also two groups of people: people...
Summary writing:(not more than 45 words) 1. Do we own an old clavichord, or do we own a new piano? 2. When was it made? 3. Who bought the instrument many years ago? 4. Who damaged it recently? 5. What did she try to do? 6. What did she break? 7. Who is repairing it ...