Writing:Arestaurantreview Doyoulikeeatingoutside?Why?Whichrestaurantdoyoulikebest?Freetalk TherestaurantIwanttogo Whatcanattract(吸引)youtogotothesamerestaurantagain?Brainstorming Writesomereviewsfortherestaurant Whatwillyoudoifyoulikethefoodandtheserviceintherestaurant?Whatwillyoudoifyoudon’tlikethefoodand...
《Writing: A restaurant review》配套PPT课件教案下载 九年级上册|Writing: A restaurant review|沪教版
初中英语沪教版九年级上册Unit6《Writing: A restaurant review》省级名师优质课教案比赛获奖教案示范课教案公开课教案 【省级名师教案】 教学目标 1通过多种形式的阅读活动和任务,帮助学生理解课文。 2.指导学生运用一定的阅读理解学习策略,培养阅读微技能。如:扫读,获取文章大意;推断,深层理解;猜测生词大意等。 3....
《Writing: A restaurant review》教学资源 [教案]初中英语《Writing: A restaurant review》优秀教案沪教版 巩固单词review, title, serve, chip, pound, pie, service, seat和短语be prepared to do sth., remind sb. of sth.;语言技能:学习餐馆点评的文章结构,并能模仿范文,就自己曾就餐的一家餐馆客观地撰...
Module 1 GeniusesPPT课件教案下载_初中英语沪教版九年级上册师梦圆www.shimengyuan.com/k/72273.html Unit 1 Wise men in historyPPT课件教案下载_初中英语沪教版九年级上册师梦圆www.shimengyuan.com/k/72274.html Archimedes and the golden crownPPT课件教案下载_初中英语沪教版九年级上册师梦圆www....
Writing a restaurant review is a fun way to share your thoughts and impressions about your dining experience. To write an informative review, you need to have knowledge about what key points you should include in your review. Not only is properly describing the food important, but you must ha...
Everyone is proud of being a foodie and would like to eat around. 单击此处添加标题 Review websites or apps are highly needed. 单击此处添加标题 How to write a restaurant review? The question is... 单击此处添加标题 8 PART TWO Preparation tasks e7d195523061f1c0f55f9af68525816972d868573ada39bc...
[教案] 初中英语九年级上册《Writing: A restaurant review》获奖教学设计下载沪教版 二、学情分析:本课的授课对象是九年级学生,他们之前已经接触过这个话题的学习,而且健康饮食的话题与他们的日常生活密切相关,所以要开展话题的学习,难度不大。但由于本校学生处于城乡结合部,还有相当一部分学生来自外地,生活习惯和饮食...
单T击he此处c添u加lt标ur题eofbeingafoodieismoreandmorepopular.单R击ev此i处e添w加w标题ebsitesorappsarehighlyneeded.单T击he此处q添u加es标t题ionis...Howtowritearestaurantreview?PARTTWO •Preparationtasks W单击h此ic处h添w加o标r题dswouldyouseeinarestaurantreview?Choosethecorrectanswers.L单e击t...
23. Write a review of a restaurant that serves the worst food in the world. 24. What is the funniest thing that someone could become famous for? Tell the story of how it happened. 25. Write a story about someone who could never lie, no matter what. ...