YOU want something. YOU are not satisfied with a ho-hum lifestyle. Either this desire stems from an internal NEED before the inciting incident, or something or someone comes along to awaken the desire within YOU. GO: YOU cross the threshold into an adventure. YOU have packed your bags to ...
But Vincent, the poet, is a bit uncomfortable with the attention when he’s asked to write a Unity Statement for the literary center he works for (I’m thinking Grub Street), and to read the poem at a rapidly-planned protest against anti-Asian violence. Let’s stop for a minute and ...
Another great technique for come up with good essay topics is to list out a series of questions you would simply like to have answered. Look at these questions from both perspectives. For example, let’s say you want to know the long term effects of drinking alcohol. You can look at thi...
Example:“When constructing a thesis statement, it's crucial to present a clear, concise argument that your paper will substantiate.” Cerebral: This tone is intellectually deep and thought-provoking. It's often found in philosophical works, critical analyses, or theoretical discussions. Example:“...
Core skills and knowledge areas you possess (operations, quality, safety, lean manufacturing, etc.) Noteworthy achievements or areas of expertise that set you apart from other candidates A statement about the type of role/responsibilities you are seeking For example:...
User name:___L__i _H_u_a___ Age:___1_7___ My location(optional):__Ji_n_a_n_, _C_h_i_n_a_ About me:___简__要__自__我__介__绍__ Reason for joining the Young Volunteers Association:__礼__貌__行__为__;__获__得__体__验__,__增__强__信__心__...
A resume objective is a brief statement of your qualifications and career goals that’s used tostart your resume. Your resume objective should be tailored to a specific job and explain how you’re qualified for the position. How to write a resume objective ...
When I think of Olympics, I see people whose work hasmade this event possible, and two kinds of spirit that have lifted it togreatness—dedication and the pursuit for perfection. 五、 选题新颖, 具有独创性和感染性(A topic being creativeand interest) 成功的沟通一定是双向的, 是演讲者与听众...
It is not necessarily fictional, as it can be a description of a real-life incident from the life of the author or any other individual or thing that the author has written about. There are vivid descriptions of situations in narrative writing.For example,actions, conflicts, and their resolut...
For example, a creative writing prompt for fiction writers might be: Your main character has a car accident and starts to hear voices while in the hospital. Write a short story about the conflict between the character and the voices and what really happened at the time of the car accident....