The tourism environment has become less predictable and a more "activist" approach to the future is required. A classification of scenario types is presented along with several examples. A genuine scenario should comprise: baseline analysis, future images, and connecting future paths which give ...
In this scenario, the main points of the lecture are examples that support the key points in the reading passage. Here is a TOEFL Integrated Writing Task sample question: Reading Passage: Despite the obvious advantages of technology, social media has generated highly negative consequences. To begin...
s tech-forward middle-class jobs, this witty piece imagines a scenario where the writer’s family fully understands what they do — and are enthralled to hear more. “‘Now is it true,’ your uncle will whisper, ‘that you’ve got a potential investment from one of the founders of I ...
12. Imagine Your Worst-Case Scenario Think about the worst-case scenario in terms of your writing career and decide you can handle it. Fortunately, the negative consequences are more emotional than tangible or financial in terms of things likewriting a book. At the very least, you’re out o...
Have you ever faced a situation similar to the following scenario? A colleague has just sent you an email relating to a meeting you're having in one hour's time. The email is supposed to contain key information that you need to present, as part of the business case for an important pro...
A scenario like that kills your chances every single time. And that’s just one of the very many interview questions you should be prepared to answer to. Indeed, being a person able to bring additional value to the workplace is an asset in and of itself, especially when your work revolve...
How long you should meditate depends on your attention span. May it be better than mine in this scenario! Does baby Angela die in The Handmaid’s Tale? In the book, a medical professional discovered birth defects in baby Angela soon after she was born. She did not survive them, although...
so that they would have a better sense of how a future Firefox might be used. This is exactly the kind of task that scenario work is well-suited for, so I suggested that rather than give them a single Vision of Tomorrow, I’d help them see a small set of alternatives. They agreed....
Here’s a typical word-of-mouth scenario: Something triggers your customer to remember your product — for example, somebody describes the need that your product addresses. Your customer introduces your product tentatively, with a question: ‘Have you heard about product X?’ Without much setup,...
I did not want to appear cynical to the rest of the group and kept these concerns to myself, which on reflection I perhaps could have volunteered for discussion. Instead I felt that in order to construct an accurate care plan at the end of each scenario I had to adopt a more robust ...