4 Objective •Firstmajorsectionofyourresume •Itcommunicatestwothings:•Whatsortofjobyouareseeking•Whatskillsyouhavetooffer PPT课件 •Yourobjectivemaybeorientedto:•Theposition •“Seekingapositionasasocialworkerfortheelderly.”
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) Resume-writing_英文简历.ppt 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Resume-writing_英文简历 Resume ;Resume ;What is a resume ;The resume is visually attracting: a work of art. Simple clean structure. Leave white space. There is ...
Writing_a_Resume WritingaResume WhatisaResume? Advertisementofyour: AbilitiesAccomplishmentsCapabilities ShouldmakeemployerwanttomeetyouShouldbehonest,concise&easytoread ResumeFormat Chronologicalresumeismostcommon Arrangeitemsinreversechronologicalorder Newcollegegraduatesshould...
Resumewriting 1.Revision:Applications 2.Resume Revision:Applications Aletterofapplication,alsocalledacoverletter orfaceletter,iswrittenforajoboradmission toauniversity. 1.makeclearwhatspecificjobyouwanttogetor whatparticularprogramyouintendtomajor inandwhereyougettheinformationabout thevacancies. 2.needtoexplain...
编号:99772009类型:共享资源大小:153KB格式:PPT上传时间:2019-12-17上传人:sk***8 IP属地:河南 20 积分 举报 版权申诉word格式文档无特别注明外均可编辑修改;预览文档经过压缩,下载后原文更清晰!立即下载 关键词: Resume writing_ 英文简历 资源描述: Resume...
Feel free to ask either of us for help if you need it. Also, you may pick up a rubric for help on the cover letter and resume! You have the rest of the class today and one class tomorrow to finish!
There is no escaping the dreaded silent ever-growing menace... Lurking behind doors, exploding from drawers and multiplying on desks and shelves.Gary FerrariPCB West Conference & Exhibition 2019: Santa Clara, California, USA, 9-12 September 2019, volume 2 of 4...
(ppt)Resume and Cover Letter Writing Strategies Notes for resume writing (to be chosen) 计算机应用基础项目5 Power Point 2013的应用 Writing a job application letter and resume [工程科技]Processor with Fixed-point SIMD Vertex Shader A Low Power Programmable 3D Graphics Processo 英文简历的写作指导Writ...
Resume Do’s and Dont’s Using a summary of qualifications at the top of the resume is highly recommended – this is your opportunity to catch the readers interest! Use action words to start your bullets or statements Include industry “buzz words” whenever they are relevant ...