In the next part of the lecture, I'd like to talk about one of the basic steps in writing I mentioned earlier in the lecture, that is how to choose a topic. Choosing a topic for a research paper is in some ways like choosing a topic for an ordinary essay, but there are some diff...
最后总结研究的发现、意义和结论就像 make the closingargument.我们写学术文章本质上来说是为了说服别人,打动别人,为了达到此目的我们要总结existing research,指出现有literature 的gap,提出新观点,用各种证据证明自己的新观点
4. Finding a research gap in your research area; 5. Bringing in the research question, hypothesis. 6.A literature review demonstrates "the writer's conceptual understanding of the research topic and his/her ability to arque for the need for the study.” [Part2 :How to find Sources?] (一...
Research Paper vs. Research Proposal: Key Differences AspectResearch PaperResearch Proposal Purpose To present original research findings and provide new insights into a topic. Outline a research plan and justify the necessity of the proposed study. Focus On completed research, analysis, and conclusions...
Generally is first a movement: – from specific, detailed information (rincian hasil/temuan penelitian) towards more general statements about the subject, or – from ‘inner’ – research topic (topik penelitian) to ‘outer’ – reference to the literature or other studies (ke dunia literatur ...
Characteristicsofaneffectiveresearchpaper 1.Topic,2.Thesis,3.Clearlyorganized,4.Employsthegoodcomposition,5.Examplestosupportthethesis,6.Documentation,7.Alistofworkscited,8.Exhibitsthesourcesofideas,9.Followsacarefullyprescribedformat,10.Aletter-qualityprinter.
Writing-a-Research-Paper---Lecture-1英语论文写作1 Writing-a-Research-Paper---Lecture-1英语论文写作1 LectureDescription ThiscourseaimstointroducetothestudentsEnglishacademicwriting,inparticular,thestrategiesforwritingaresearchpaper.Thestudentsareexpectedtounderstandtheprocessandgraspthebasictechniquesofwritingresearc...
2_Writing_a_resarch_article_(RA)_in_English_(10)ResearchReportsofExperimentalStudies:AnIMRDStructure 2014年6月13日 第1页 OverallShapeofResearchPaperGeneric terms Introduction 1.Establishingaterritory2.Establishinganiche3.Occupyingtheniche GeneralSpecific Method Results Hour-glass Discussio...
1 22WritingaResearch22WritingaResearch PaperPaper 22WritingaResearch22WritingaResearch PaperPaper 2 Thesixstepsinwritingaresearch paper •STEP1:Selectatopicthatyoucan readilyresearch. •STEP2:Limityourtopicandmake thepurposeofyourpaperclear. •STEP3:Gatherinformationonyour limitedtopic. 3 •STEP4:Pl...
Here’s a quick breakdown of how to write a research proposal: Pick a clear and focused topic. What specific question are you trying to answer? Show its importance. Why is your research relevant to your field? Research the gap. What do we already know? What are the knowledge gaps you'...