This article provides guidelines for those wishing to write up a piece of research for publication. By convention, the research article usually follows the IMRAD structure – Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion – and this paper presents an outline for the possible content of each of ...
Product – The research article itself as text, analyzed into its components: Grammar / Discourse; Genre / Rhetoric – Published articles as a ‘model’: ability to analyze Stages: Writing follows parallel to the research processes ? Stages and sections: – Get an idea, refine it → Title, ...
Mary ChiarellaJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdNurse Author & EditorChiarella, M. (2007). Writing a research arti- cle: The introduction and background section. Nurse Author & Editor, 17(1). Retrieved from http://www.nurseau
Twenty Steps to Writing a Research ArticleReis, Rick
2_Writing_a_resarch_article_(RA)_in_English_(10)ResearchReportsofExperimentalStudies:AnIMRDStructure 2014年6月13日 第1页 OverallShapeofResearchPaperGeneric terms Introduction 1.Establishingaterritory2.Establishinganiche3.Occupyingtheniche GeneralSpecific Method Results Hour-glass Discussio...
Video Writing an original research article 재생 Writing an Original Research Article (EN) 유용한 링크 논문 제출 Shop Books & Journals 오픈 액세스 모든 제품 보기 Elsevier Connect 소개 엘스비어 소개 채용 정보 글로벌 홍보실...
WritingScientificResearchArticle --FromMorganLyons (theEuropeanManagerofInternationalScienceEditing)国际科学编辑中国负责人薛海宝与欧洲总经理MorganLyons(右)讲座信息 时间:2010年9月19日(周日)早9:30~地点:贺丹青堂讲学厅主讲人:国际科学编辑欧洲总经理MorganLyons 主要内容包括:SCI论文写作中的一些写作技巧及常...
WRITING A SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ARTICLE - STRUCTURE, CONTENT, AND STYLE OF A JOURNAL-STYLE PAPER 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 127 作者: Dzuganova 摘要: Explain your actual findings, using subheadings to divide the section into logical parts, with the text addressing the study ...
Research Methodology. A step-by-step guide for beginners. 4th Ed... L Kuk,MJ Amey,JH Banning,... 被引量: 14发表: 2010年 [How do I write an original article? An introduction for beginners] Less than 50% of abstracts presented on scientific conferences get published as full articles. ...
Writing Scientific Research Articles--科学研究论文的撰写.ppt,Writing Scientific Research Article --From Morgan Lyons ( the European Manager of International Science Editing) 国际科学编辑中国负责人薛海宝与欧洲总经理Morgan Lyons (右) 讲座信息 时间:2010年9