Lesson 24 Writing a poem是九年级英语全册英语 初三英语全册 初中九年级英语全册 冀教版课文精讲视频 九年级全册英语 初三全册英语 初中九年级全册英语的第27集视频,该合集共计32集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
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普通用户:4.0元 高级会员: 2.0储值 开通高级会员 本次消费5.0折 开通得储值 储值永不过期 储值下载资料 低至3.4折 免费资料下载 150份/周 立即开通 北京五洲时代天华文化传媒有限公司关注 资料 4.2万 专辑 846 销量 24.4万 浏览量 1053.5万 进店逛逛
1.课程名称:2024学年九年级英语上册Unit4StoriesandpoemsLesson24WritingaPoem 2.教学年级和班级:九年级 3.授课时间:第24课时 4.教学时数:45分钟 在本节课中,我们将结合冀教版教材Unit4Storiesandpoems的内容,重点教授学生如何创作一首英文诗。通过学习本课,学生将掌握基本的诗歌创作技巧,运用所学词汇和句型表达个...
At the beginning, I was afraid to try writing a poem.起初,我害怕写诗。I tried to write one about my favourite place beside a lake.我试着写写湖边我最喜欢的一个地方。But it was too hard to write that poem!可是,那太难写了。Then my teacher encouraged me to write a humorous poem ...
l.阅读理解Writing a poem is all about observing (观察) the world around you. In fact, you can write anything that you like. Most people choose love as their topic; some people choose people as their topic; some people even choose the gate of the old farm as their topic.If you are ...
B★★ Writing a poem(诗歌) for a frien d can be a nice way to show your thanks for her friendship an d support.To get some ideas on what to write about in your friendshup poem, you may want to go back to when your friendship first started. You may write down things about your...
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普通用户:6.0元 高级会员: 3.0储值 开通高级会员 本次消费5.0折 开通得储值 储值永不过期 储值下载资料 低至3.4折 免费资料下载 150份/周 立即开通 北京五洲时代天华文化传媒有限公司关注 资料 4.2万 专辑 846 销量 24.5万 浏览量 1061.7万 进店逛逛
(5)At the beginning,I was afraid to try writing a poem. 【能力目标】 运用所学知识创作一首英文诗。 【情感目标】 学生能够向他人介绍诗歌或童话,并享受诗歌和童话的乐趣。 教学 重难点 重点:1.本课重点单词和句型; 2.情态动词must的用法; 3.过去进行时的用法。 难点:1.掌握并运用情态动词must以及过去...