Topic sentences Topic sentences say what topic you are going to discuss in the paragraph. They come at the start of the paragraph. Every paragraph in the essay relates to the essay title. Topic sentences therefore contain two bits of information: –The task (essay title) –The topic that th...
用。Paragraph Structure nGo=Topic Sentence nContinue=Supporting DetailsnStop=Closing Sentence A topic sentence nA topic sentence is a sentence that indicates in a general way what idea or thesis the paragraph is going to deal with. nIt summarizes the main idea of 10、 the paragraph and ...
writing 1.2 Paragraph Structure ParagraphStructure •Paragraph-agroupofrelatedsentencesthatdiscussonemainidea 3PartsofaParagraph •TopicSentence•SupportingSentences•ConcludingorTransitionSentence TopicSentence •Statesthemainideaoftheparagraph•Limitsthetopictoonespecificarea(controllingidea)•Example:...
writingstructureparagraph写作结构 Writing Structure Paragraph We all know the importance of the paragraph structure,how to structure the paragraph? There are three elements for academic writing.Frist is style.Academic writing require a formal style.Second is correct punctuation. correct punctuation is an...
Chapter20:WritingaParagraph:Genn_title","block_type":"articlestruct","is_main_cont":1,"key_value_items":[{"时间":"2020-12-21 08:29:26"}]}]},"main_structure":{"area_info":[{"area_type":"main_cont","paragraph_list":[0,1]}],"content":[{"content":[{"text":"chapter 20: ...
1. Writing a Paragraph WritingaParagraph ParagraphStructure Aparagraphisagroupofrelatedsentencesthatdiscussone(andusuallyonlyone)mainidea. Aparagraphcanbeasshortasonesentenceoraslongastensentences.Thenumberofsentencesisunimportant;however,theparagraphshouldbelongenoughtodevelopthemainideaclearly.Wemarka...
A paragraph of problem-solving patternIn Text A, the author tells us how the mother changes her attitude toward her daughter while cleaning up her daughter's mess. From Para 5 to Para 11, the author describes how messy the daughter's room is (Problem, plus details of the problem), how...
Instructions to guide through both the content and the process of writing the definition paragraph are given. The author suggests to first recall details about one's memories, and list them. Remember to use effective paragraph structure: write a to...
Chapter 21: Writing a Paragraph: Devising a Plan -- Outlines Once you have generated a topic sentence and the details to support that topic sentence, it is time to organize your ideas. By organizing your ideas you will create a clear picture of the structure of your paragraph. The most ...
paragraph_writing 段落写作 ParagraphWriting ••••••StructureofaparagraphTopicsentenceParagraphunityParagraphcoherenceWaysofdevelopingaparagraphIntroductory&concludingparagraph Structureofaparagraph Whatisaparagraph?Aparagraphisanumberofsentencesthatdevelopanidea.StructureofaparagraphSetofthree:topicsentence—...