Writing A Winning Award Nominationdoi:10.1021/cen-09118-emplBrought To You By Acs CareersAmerican Chemical Society
takestowriteyournominationonindividualswho haveperformedasdedicatedanddevotedmemberswhomakeyourunitthebestit canbe.Itisagreatwaytothankthemfortheirtimeandhardwork. Thesampleletterisonlyawayofhelpingyoudraftyourletterofnomination.If youneedhelp,asksomeone:anothermember,yourtownclerkortownmanager, ateacheror...
I didn't know I got the GRAMMY until I got to the award show because [it was awarded] off-camera. People were saying congratulations, I thought [that was] for the nomination. In 2006, you headed to Vegas for your nearly three-year residency, Toni Braxton: Revealed. How did that ...
Have to say I lovedThe Blitz, a 50-line, super-fast, meant-to-be-read-aloud form created by Robert Keim. There is no punctuation and no required rhyme. I could explain the rules, but it’s better to just glean the form by reading an example. Try to read this without moving your ...
TheBarbiefilm has set the bar just a little lower, has set progress just a little farther back, and has set an unhealthy precedent for little people who are just starting to become aware of the world. Overall, the film is like a 101 Feminist Theory class; it covers the basics, but you...
ALSO: Shoutouts to NYTimes.com for theirbest practicesand best visual design/function nominations, Mama Trib’sSwamp blogforbest political blog nomination, National Geographic for theirbest home pagePeople’s Voice award, Consumer Reports for theirGuides/Ratings/Review People’s Voiceaward, the Guardi...
Keep being awesome, and more to the point, keepwritingawesomely. And sorry I’ve taken so long to accept your generous nomination! The rules for this particular honor are: thank the person(s) who nominated you (check!), disclose seven interesting factoids about yourself, and nominate fifteen...
His debut, his performance in the film was very familiar, and it turned out to be a newcomer to the screen. He also won the Golden Horse Award for best supporting role, and won the best supporting actor and the best new couple nomination. ...
(as opposed to Federal) office – let’s say a State Representative – as a member of the Republican party. We commence to talking about Things, and this person, like other Republicans I’ve read about, sincerely claims that they were horrified and disgusted by their party’s nomination of...