Ⅰ.阅读明白得 I am a volunteer teacher in our local middle school.Recently,while working with my excellent student,I wrote him a note regarding an assignment he needed to work on.“Here,”I said,“keep this with you so you don’t forget.” He took the piece of paper and stare...
2019-2020 年高中英语必修 9Module3Task-Writingaletter Skills building 1: The form of a letter Begin like this: Dear sir. / Madam Dear Mr.___, Mrs.___, Ms.___. Explain why you’re writing: I’m writing to …… End like this: I look forward to hearing from you. Best ...
商务英语写作实训 Chapter 1-Basics of Business__writing BasicsofBusinessWriting Contents PrincipleofBusinessWritingTryItYourselfCheckYourself PrincipleofBusinessWriting Lead-inQuestions Whatisbusinesscommunication?Businesscommunicationisaprocessofexchanginginformationandideasinabusinesssetting.Canyounamesomewaystocommunicate...
Blyth warns handwriting needs to be practiced regularly and that students need to practise the letter formation and joined-up writing to write well in exams. “ Learning handwriting doesn’t just happen as there are increasingly fewer day-to-day opportunities to write with a pen or pencil, ”...
The Principles of Business Letter-writing 1. Consideration (体谅) It means: Take the “You-attitude” instead of “I/We-attitude”; Emphasize the positive rather than the negative approach; Get to the point immediately. 1. Consideration (体谅) Look at the following sentences and think about ...
When he wrote a letter to his family in Norway. When we sang along with Mitch Miller. When he played the accordion. Or the organ. He cried when the doctors told him he needed brain surgery. When the biopsy showed it was mesothelioma. When I told him it metastasized from the lungs. ...
After finishing this unit,you are supposed to learn: 1.the basic knowledge of business letter writing; 2.the structure and format of a common business English letter; 3.basic writing principles of business letters. Lesson 1 An Introduction to Business Letter Writing ...
If writing a letter a hundred years ago was like sitting down with someone in a quiet room and talking face to face, writing an email today is like shouting at someone across a noisy crossroads while they’re rushing to a meeting. Everyone is too busy. We keep getting information from em...
Your instructions are always followed to the letter. Your grading rubric, professor’s comments, and thoughts are always considered. Remember to share all that you have for the task. Only original content is provided to maintain originality. ...