On Thursday, a previously private July 6 letter to Biden from Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) — paying extravagant tribute before comparing the president to a tired baseball pitcher —suddenly became public. The president’s position is further imperiled now that an attempt to hold an early roll ...
I disagree with Joe Biden and the Democrats on a host of issues, but we are all Americans, and we owe it to our country and children to discuss those differences rationally, peaceably, without threats of violence, whether implicit or explicit.” I’m sad to say that I don’t believe ...
ideallylotsof novels—because they sell and therefore build careers. Or, as an industry professional once said to me at an AWP conference, “You need to write at least a novel a year for the next five years if you want to be a contender.” He was an ...
Other than a few rogue reporters here and there, the press will continue to snuggle up to Trump in ways that make many of us feel sad about journalism. Similar to #3, other than a few rogue republicans, when it comes to Trump, the GOP will continue to be unable to find their voices...
“You can try to find the right words,” said Dan Cluchey, a former speechwriter for President Joe Biden.“But ultimately, your job is to ensure that when the speech is done, that it has a reflection of the speaker.” That concept is infinitely magnified in the role of the presidential...
We’re going to a rail yard about a mile away to turn the train around and use the other (unbroken) engine at the other end instead. They said the driver is okay. The train driver that is.”[7] Two hours later: “Trail stillllllll hasn’t turned around. Waiting for freight trains...
His works, depicting mainly individuals at work or playing instruments, hunting, or writing, can be seen at Dublin’s National Gallery, one of which is Man Writing a Letter: Young blades write letters, cavaliers press their attentions on young maidens, huntsmen rest long-barrelled guns at ...
write a long letter, give something away, sit with someone who remembers you young. Double your day by letting the morning sun dance in her dusty shadows without you. Be a watchman, be a lighthouse for the word that will come from the Lord. Pay attention to how God knows you and spea...
I had never met Harriet until that day. After the war ended on August 14, I wrote a letter of condolence to her in Pennsylvania from my village in Israel’s Western Galilee. We began to correspond with each other and then, during a recent trip to Israel, she came to meet me. ...
President George Washington and the letter he wrote, after a visit to Newport, R.I., where he was enthusiastically received by, among others, members of the local Jewish community. It was dated Aug. 18, 1790. (Hat tip to the Jewish Women’s Theater in Los Angeles, Dana Milbank of The...