Jim Butler is a Senior Scientist and Chief of the Geohydrology Section of the Kansas Geological Survey at the University of Kansas. He holds a B.S. in Geology from the College of William and Mary, and an M.S. and Ph.D in Applied Hydrogeology from Stanford University. His current ...
Abstract Writing-学术英语写作 AbstractWriting Journal/ConferencePaperWritingByXiYang,YuePan,BenxiongHu Content What isanabstract?How towriteagoodabstract?Example sentence&vocabulary.Content What isanabstract?How towriteagoodabstract?Example sentence&vocabulary.1 What isanabstract?Asummaryofthecontentsofabook,...
TheRightWaysofWritingaGoodESTAbstractBased 从词汇角度谈如何写好科技论文英文摘要高伟玮(装备学院昌平士官学校北京102249)中图分类号:H319.34文献标识码:A文章编号:1672—7894(2012)11一O132—02摘要本文围绕科技论文英文摘要词汇的正式性、客观性、简洁性、准确性四个特点,阐述了如何写好科技论文的英文摘要关键词科技...
Abstract-Writing-学术英语写作.ppt,Abstract Writing Journal/Conference Paper Writing By Xi Yang, Yue Pan, Benxiong Hu Content What is an abstract? How to write a good abstract? Example sentence vocabulary. Content What is an abstract? How to write a good
13、In other words, a good abstract has to exclude all information that is not based on the content of the paper. Writing requirements for abstract 4) Concentration To write concentratively, you need to omit certain elements of information. Do not use figures, tables, or literature references...
What a Good Abstract Contains An abstract serves the purpose of summarizing your research or making your case for a project (or grant funding) to be awarded to you. It should encapsulate the most important information that the paper or proposal will present. In the case of obtaining grants or...
Academics use summaries all the time for research papers when they write an abstract, which is essentially a summary of an entire research paper. Really, everyone needs to know how to write a summary at one point or another. Even finding a job requires you to summarize your own ...
Abstract ▪Adescriptivesummary[abstract]isatableofcontentsinparagraphform;itisageneralmapforreaders.—MichaelAlley 1.Definitionoftheabstract(1)▪AnAbstractshouldbeviewedasaminiversionofthepaper.Theabstractshouldprovideabriefsummaryofeachofthemainsectionsofthepaper:Introduction,MaterialsandMethods,Resultsand...
20、or journal.B All conferences require you to submit the abstract first, from which the organizer will determine whether you need to submit the whole text.C We should submit a hard copy to the publisher with your signature.D The reviewers comments are not very important when you modify you...
Agoodabstractshouldattractaudiencesandpromotethoroughdiscussionontherelevantsubject.6 3.Expandingthecirculation Anabstractusuallyprecedesthewholepaperandappearsseparetely.Itmayberecorded,sometimesverbatim[vɚˈbetɪm](逐字翻译),byvariousabstractingservicesthatpublishreferencevuolumesusedforliteraturesearching,e.g....