Descriptive writingWriting promptsWriting performanceAugmented reality (AR) is a new technology that consists in mixing virtual and real information. Although several studies have assessed the use of AR in various educational contexts, few contributions have examined its potential impact on students' ...
In this case, you’re writing a descriptive paragraph about a person. It’s important to use adjectives to describe the features or characteristics you want to focus on. One way to come up with ideas for a descriptive paragraph about a person is to go through the five senses. Use the ...
The descriptive writer's first job is that of observer. When observing your subject, look for the unseen. Search for the detail that others may miss, like a flower painted a slightly different color than the others on a figurine. Include the significance of that detail, how it shows the a...
The way I encourage my students to write a five-paragraph descriptive essay is to choose three things to describe. For example, say that you are asked to write an essay describing the perfect bedroom. Pick three items to describe. You might choose to describe the furniture, wall hangings, ...
let students conclude the first tip for writing a descriptive composition: tell readers your topic in the introduction and give readers a summary or suggestion in the ending.【设计说明】分析篇章结构,使学生了解到写作中应当使用in...
Instructions: Students will brainstorm a place they like, write a descriptive paragraph about it using the vocabulary and structures learned in class, and share it with the class. IV. Group Discussion Purpose: To foster critical thinking and to allow students to learn from each other. Instruction...
adescriptive paragraphmight find its development through giving a series of sensory details or of abstract ideas that describe an object (or concept or theory), rather than through support. These two types of paragraph - narrative and descriptive - differ only slightly in these respects from exposi...
Paragraphs are divided into three basic types of narrative, descriptive and expository ones according to purpose of writing. A narrative paragraph is written according to chronological order; a descriptive one according to spatial order, and an expository one according to logical relations. Narration te...
AparagraphfromWritingforMyself WhenourclasswasassignedtoMr.FleagleforthirdyearEnglish,Ianticipatedanothercheerlessyearinthatmosttediousofsubjects.Mr.Fleaglehadareputationamongstudentsfordullnessandinabilitytoinspire.Hewassaidtobeveryformal,rigidandhopelesslyoutofdate.Tomehelookedtobesixtyorseventyandexcessivelyprim.He...
Write a descriptive paragraph that covers this extended scenario of the robbery. Task 2: Imagine that you are asked to describe the robber’s face to a police artist to produce a composite sketch (an image or picture) of what the robber looked like. Try to make a detailed description of ...