My neighbor has a friendly cat. Once again, by changing one simple word, we can notably shape the impression. That’s the power of a well-placed adjective. What Are Some Examples of Adjectives? English includes thousands of adjectives, and they will always be descriptive in some way. That...
Step1- Focus on the main part of the picture at the beginning: This is a picture of a little girl listening to music with headphones.Step 2 - Describe as much as you can: She’s about three years ol…
Let’s look at some examples to get a better idea of how to write a descriptive paragraph about a person using the prompt “describe a person you admire.” Example 1: The person I admire most is my mother. She is of average height and has a pretty face. She has chin-length dark ...
这不是解释性的,因为有几种观点被陈述,例如“南瓜派是最好的秋季食物……”虽然这段摘录包含了南瓜含有维生素a的事实,但这一事实被用作支持这一观点的证据。这些观点使这篇文章成为一篇有说服力的文章。 2. Descriptive 描述性的 描述性写作侧重于传达人物、事件或地点的细节。
be included in the essay. For example, if writing a descriptive essay about a person, you need to decide if you want to focus on that person’s appearance or on a specific trait the person has. For example, you might write a descriptive essay that describes how the person is a hard ...
描写文(Descriptive Essay) (一)描写文是用生动而形象化的语言把人物,事件及环境具体刻划出来,如心理描写,动作描写,景色描写,场景描写等。有时候,描写文与记叙文会互相补充,使文章更多变化。 描写分两方面: (I) 客观描写:将描写的对象如实地描绘,不带有感情成分,令读者有所知。所以在描写时,注意多用名词及动...
Task 1: You are given a task based on some graphic or pictorial information. You are expected to write a descriptive report of at least 150 words on the information provided. You are advised to spend about 20 minutes on this task.
What is the Definition of Descriptive Writing? Descriptive Writing Techniques Lesson Summary FAQs Activities What is an example of descriptive writing? An example of descriptive writing is the use of metaphor and simile. Metaphor: My sister is a thunderstorm. Simile: My sister's voice is like...
The way I encourage my students to write a five-paragraph descriptive essay is to choose three things to describe. For example, say that you are asked to write an essay describing the perfect bedroom. Pick three items to describe. You might choose to describe the furniture, wall hangings, ...