人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit3 Food and Culture优质学案:Writing—A descriptive essay about one’s diet.docx,人教版(新教材)高中英语选择性必修第二册 PAGE PAGE 1 Writing—A descriptive essay about one’s diet Learning Aims(学习目标) 1.Learn how to descr
人教版(新教材)高中英语选择性必修第二册 1 Writing—Adescriptiveessayaboutone’sdiet LearningAims(学习目标) 1.Learnhowtodescribeone’sdiet. 2.Practicewritingone.(重点难点) 本单元的写作目标是写一篇描述性文章。描述性文章就是把人物、事件、景观或环境等用生动的语言描绘出来。这类文章的开头应对所描述的...
* 赢在字里行间 we should stay away from it It is a very bad habit keep ourselves energetic Section 5 Writing an opinion essay about the scientific spirit 轻松课堂 高中英语 选择性必修 第二册 第 * 赢在字里行间 We should focus on a balanced diet, which assures us the necessary nutrients...
What is a descriptive essay? It is an essay type in which one is expected to describe a location like a beautiful beach location, writing about a person, an event, or an experience you have had. The professors want to know if you can express yourself properly when the situation demands ...
Food and Culture Reading for Writing 本课为李青老师的一节读写课,来自新人教版选修二Unit 3Food and Culture——Reading for Writing。 该部分的活动主题是“写一篇关于健康饮食的文章”(Write about a healthy diet), 通过读写...
Describe the tranquility of a sunset picnic in the countryside. If you need topic ideas for other essay genres, consult our guide on narrative essay topics. How to Write a Descriptive Essay in 8 Steps Now that you understand the essence and purpose of this type of essay let's explore some...
Unit 1 Scientists 写作 Writing a descriptive essay Unit1Scientists Writingadescriptiveessaytoshareyourexperienceof exploringscience 写一篇描述性文章,分享你探索科学的经验 Purpose Themainpurposeofdescriptivewritingistodescribeaperson,placeorthinginsuchawaythatapictureisformedinthereader’smind.Thesuccessof...
Unit3FoodandCulture Writing Adescriptiveessayaboutone’sdiet与饮食有关的关键句:1.Cutdownondessertsandcutoutsweetdrinks.少吃甜点,少喝甜饮料。2.Keepabalancebyconsumingdifferentcategoriesoffoods,includingfreshfruitandvegetables,ratherthanprocessedfoodsandhavesomemeat,beansordairyproducts.多吃不同种类的食物来...
Unit3FoodandCulture(ReadingandWriting) 教科书 书名:普通高中教科书英语选择性必修第二册 出版社:人民教育出版社 学生信息 姓名 学校 班级 学号 学习目标 Afterthisclass,studentscan: 1.Learnthestructureofadescriptivewritingabouthealthyeating. 2.Findoutthedetailedinformationandlinkingwords. ...
While describing a person, following aspects should be considered: the appearance, the character, and the behaviour. Examples must be used to support the description. Writing a descriptive essay about places and buildings, one should include the following points: identification of the location, main...