Howtowriteabriefbiographysuccessfully?abiographystructureConclusionIntroductionMainbodyIntroducethepersonwithhis/herpersonalinformationmajoreventsthathe/shedidyouropinionontheperson NowwriteabiographyforTuYouyou.Usetheexpressionsintheboxtohelpyou.Dofurtherresearchifnecessary.While-writing:ReadingandWriting?In(year),.....
老师补充 分析论证, CW Ss conclude how to write a brief biography 词汇,帮 推理判断。 Step 6 Step 7 of an outstanding scientist. 附:学生的课上生成 Brief biography Part Ⅰ Reputation (general evaluation) Part Ⅱ Life experiences & research Part Ⅲ Contributions (achievements) Ss write...
StephenHawkinghasspenthiscareeratCambridgeUniversity,wherehebecomeProfessorofPhysicsin1977.Hisworkwasintheareaofcosmologyandhewroteaboutblackholesinspace.HisbookABriefHistoryofTimewaspublishedin1988andisstillabest-seller. 【写法指导】 传记(biography)是记载人物生平事迹的一种文体,传记的种类分为传(小传)、自传等。
4、book A Brief History of Time was published in 1988 and is still a best-seller. 【写法指导】传记(biography)是记载人物生平事迹的一种文体,传记的种类分为传(小传)、自传等。传或小传是记叙他人生平的文章。自传是自述生平的文章,作者把自己一生中经历的事件,系统而又重点地介绍出来。人物传记也是记叙文...
Enable students to write a brief biography of a great scientists.2. Emotion Approaches Make the students have the consciousness of competition and cooperation. Enable students to take some great scientists as example and make them have a deep love of science and technology.Teaching key points1. ...
A. Narration B. BiographyC. Argumentation D. Practical writing Appreciate the greatness 赏伟人TitlePara1: Brief IntroductionPara 2: Educational experiencePara 3: Work experience & achievement Para 4: Mid-life crisisPara 5: Appearance &PersonalityPara 6: DeathbeginningBodyEndingAppreciate the greatness ...
Write a story about a family who has a tree with dollar bills for leaves in their backyard. Think of one of the characters from the last story you wrote and write a brief biography of him or her.What does the character look like?What is his or her favorite thing to do?What is the...
A prize of ﹩15,000 is given annually for a novel, or a story collection. U.S. writers who have published at least three books of fiction are qualified. Submit a manuscript (手稿) of any length, a brief biography, and a list of three previously published books of fiction with a ﹩...
A prize of ﹩15,000 is given annually for a novel, or a story collection. U.S. writers who have published at least three books of fiction are qualified. Submit a manuscript (手稿) of any length, a brief biography, and a list of three previously published books of fiction with a ﹩25...
Submit a manuscript(手稿)of any length, a brief biography, and a list of threepreviously published books of fiction with a $25 entry fee byNovember 1,2020.University of Alabama Press, P. O. Box 870380,Tuscaloosa,AL35487.(773)702-7000.Walt Whitman AwardA prize of $5,000 is given ...