BodyParagraph Animportantfactorinlearningaforeignlanguagehastodowiththeconceptofintrinsicversusextrinsicmotivation.Whenwedosomethingforthe“funofit”orbecauseweenjoyit,thatiscalledintrinsicmotivation.Extrinsicmotivation,ontheotherhand,iswhenwedosomethingforthepurposeofreceivingsomekindofexternalrewardsuchasmoney,timeoff...
Understanding the structure of a body paragraph is crucial for crafting effective and coherent writing. Each part of the structure serves a specific purpose in developing the main idea and supporting the overall argument of the essay. Here is the typical structure of a body paragraph: Topic Senten...
Everyparagraphshouldhaveatopicsentence Thisisthemostimportantsentencebecauseitexpressesthemainideaoftheparagraph Definition BodyParagraphAnimportantfactorinlearningaforeignlanguagehastodowiththeconceptofintrinsicversusextrinsicmotivation Whenwedosomethingforthe funofit orbecauseweenjoyit thatiscalledintrinsicmotivation ...
2. Main body paragraph 1:阐述原因(因为审核原因分成三小节)。Some people delve into the history research of their houses simply out of curiosity. In our modern society, there are ample high rise buildings, and many old houses and buildings have been torn down. Only a fewold buildings are ...
1. Identify and underline the paragraph’s introductory sentence and the ending sentence. Introductory sentence:Ireland’s beautiful countryside has always had a great influence on its people and traditions. Ending sentence:And if you introduce...
6.2 Body Paragraph Writing- Unity 本课程紧扣雅思写作评分标准,在解读雅思评分标准中的词汇资源(lexical resource)和语法范围及精准度(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)基础上,讲解雅思写作中选词和造句要求,帮学生打下扎实的语法词汇基础。然后在解读评分表中
Body Paragraph 1: Similarities to European Structures The reading posits that the stone arrangements at Mystery Hill mirror those found in European sites like Stonehenge, indicating a possible connection between the builders of these two sites. This argument is based on the precise alignment of stones...
Simon IELTS writing task 2: main body paragraphs pan003 Writing Task2 - IELTS - Simon_哔哩哔哩_bilibilimain body paragraphs 2 main body paragraphs in a total of 4 paragraphs essay 5 sentences long in each paragraph90-100 words each paragraph ...
how) and provides an overall introduction to the occurrence of the tsunami. The second paragraph cites the official and public accounts of the affected country on the impact of the tsunami, providing a more specific introduction ...