exportSolution(project: Project,from: string,to: string,platform: string) {if(project.getDebugDir() !=='') fs.copySync(path.resolve(from, project.getDebugDir()), path.resolve(to,'data'), {clobber:true});letdotcproject = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname,'Data','tizen','.cproj...
The following examples show how to use fs-extra#writeFileSync. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar. ...
Author JavierPons commented Oct 29, 2019 As well I try with fs.writeFile (url, data, err function). The output is always a object json. When Im running writeFile add a extra "}” to the end. So file become corrupt.Author JavierPons commented Oct 29, 2019 Thanks Anna. Its solve....
import fs from 'fs-extra' import path from 'path' import filenamify from 'filenamify' import { debug, error, info } from '../log' export const writeFile = (list: ArticleItem[], output = './') => { const dir = path.resolve(output) const outputFile: string[] = [] inf...
Who owns the implementation code for fs.writeFileSync? Is that node or v8? If it is 'node', then this is an issue with node. Because node has chosen to call certain v8 functions blindly, rather than more intelligently handling things. if fs.writeFileSync is indeed v8, then this would...