Options include ‘a’ (append), ‘w+’ (write or create), etc. Key Features of fs.writeFileSync() method in Node.js Below are some key features of fs.writeFileSync() method in Node.js: Synchronous Operation: Blocks the execution of further code until the file is fully written, ...
In node.js, you can requirefs, and then callfs.writeFilewith the filename, and data to write to that file (as a string or a buffer). That will overwrite the entire file, so to just append that data to the file instead, pass an options object with theflagkey set toa. Or, you c...
in the middle ifwriteFileorwriteFileSynciterates multiple times, unless running on Linux.positionstarts out asnullso first write is OK, but thenpositionwill refer to a location inside an existing file, corrupting that data. Linux ignores position for append mode files so it doesn't happen ...
you have to use the appendFileSync method not the writeFileSync method for writing to a named pipe append to named pipes const fs = require("fs"); const mkfifo = require("mkfifo"); mkfifo.mkfifoSync("/tmp/my_fifo", 0o600); fs.appendFileSync("/tmp/my_fifo", "hello world", ...)...
constfs=require('fs');constdata='Hello, world!';try{fs.writeFileSync('test.txt',data,{flag:'a',// append the contentencoding:'utf8',mode:'0o777'});console.log('File written successfully');}catch(err){console.error(err);}
// Node.js program to demonstrate the// fs.writeFileSync() method// Import the filesystem moduleconstfs =require('fs');// Writing to the file 5 times// with the append file modefor(leti =0; i <5; i++) { fs.writeFileSync("movies.txt","Movie "+ i +"\n", ...
{flag:'a+'});//'a+' is append modeconsole.log("File written successfully");}catch(err){console.error(err);}console.log("---");try{constdata=fs.readFileSync(path,{encoding:"utf8"});console.log("File content is as follows:");// Display the file dataconsole.log(data);}catch(err...
In node.js, you can requirefs, and then callfs.writeFilewith the filename, and data to write to that file (as a string or a buffer). That will overwrite the entire file, so to just append that data to the file instead, pass an options object with theflagkey set toa. Or, you ...