The SCB register will have flags that explain why and where it happened. The issue is not with the WRITE_REG macro. If you feel a post has answered your question, please click "Accept as Solution". 1 Kudo Reply PGump.1 Senior III 2024-10-09 5:52 AM Hi, Is CBR1 a val...
media: r820t: fix r820t_write_reg for KASAN Browse files With CONFIG_KASAN, we get an overly long stack frame due to inlining the register access functions: drivers/media/tuners/r820t.c: In function 'generic_set_freq.isra.7': drivers/media/tuners/r820t.c:1334:1: error: the frame ...
在上述示例中,我们定义了一个WriteRegister类,并实现了一个静态方法write来执行寄存器写入操作。在write方法中,我们接收一个整数值作为参数,并将其写入指定的寄存器地址。这里的寄存器地址为0x1000,可以根据实际需求进行修改。 使用寄存器操作 要使用寄存器操作,我们可以在应用程序的任何地方调用WriteRegister类的write方法,...
SPI_RW_Reg:向寄存器读入值 WRITE_REG :写寄存器 EN_AA:自动应答寄存器0x01:开启自动应答(0x01,禁止自动应答)整体的意思就是,开启nrf2401的自动应答
函数是指在NSIS安装脚本中正确使用WriteRegMultiStr函数将多行字符串值写入Windows注册表。 答案内容: WriteRegMultiStr函数是NSIS中的一个系统函数,它用于将多行字符串值写入Windows注册表。在NSIS中正确调用WriteRegMultiStr函数的步骤如下: 导入系统库文件:在NSIS脚本的开头添加!include "WinMessages.nsh"以导入所需...
RegWrite到HKLM不工作是指在Windows操作系统中使用RegWrite函数向HKLM(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)注册表项写入数据时出现问题。HKLM是Windows注册表中的一个重要分支,包含了系统级别的配置信息。 出现RegWrite到HKLM不工作的问题可能有多种原因,以下是一些可能的想法和解决方法: ...
(2) uvm_reg::do_write (3) uvm_reg_map.do_write 2.3 read (frontdoor)源码 1. XatomicX (1)当要访问互斥的资源时,即只允许一个进程访问,其他进程必须在此进行访问完成之后才能访问,可以使用XatomicX(1) + access the resource +XatomicX(0)实现; ...
Home i.MX Forums i.MX Processors Re: read/write reg read/write reg Options 10-26-2023 08:09 PM 860 Views rainho Contributor II I wrote the device driver code for the SPI slave device mounted under the spi device tree node, and it works normally. But now I have a ...
thanks for the reply! I probably know about the regmap operation, but I'm not sure whether it is a safe operation, or whether it can be used directly
DeviceCode = LCD_ReadReg(0x0000);//读操作能返回控制器编号 我想问下 LCD_WriteReg(0x0000, 0x0001); 这句代码的作用。第一个参数是写命令,第二个参数是写数据,我想问第一个参数是0x0000,代表的是哪个命令,IR命令还是00h命令。 第二个问题: ...