-force - (Optional) Overwrite a file of the same name if one exists. -format [ BIN | HEX | MCS ] - (Required) The format of the memory configuration file to write. Supported values include BIN, HEX, and MCS. -size <arg> - (Required) Specify the size limit in MBytes of the PRO...
-force - (Optional) Overwrite a file of the same name if one exists. -format [ BIN | HEX | MCS ] - (Required) The format of the memory configuration file to write. Supported values include BIN, HEX, and MCS. -size <arg> - (Required) Specify the size limit in MBytes of the PRO...
:write_cfgmem-formatMCS-size128-interfaceBPIx16-loadbit"up 0x0 xxx.bit" xxx.mcs-fromatmcs...文件和生成的.mcs文件,方便后面下载程序时添加路径。 所以我们的硬件条件下,输入的TCL命令为:write_cfgmem-formatmcs-interfaceSPIx2 -size Vivado生成BIN/MCS文件 ...