void Write24c02(unsigned char *Wdata,unsigned char RomAddress,unsigned char number) { /*Wdata对准要写的数据的首地址 RomAddress单元地址 number几个Byte*/ Start();/*IIC开始*/ Write8Bit(WriteDeviceAddress);/*写入器件地址0xa0*/ TestAck();/*测试ACK位*/ Write8Bit(RomAddress);/*写入器件控制...
24c02储存芯片的WP写保护引脚的手册解释不明白!When the write protect input is connected to Vcc,the entire memory array is protected against writeoperations.For normal write operations,the writeprotect pin should be grounded.When the pin isleft unconnected,WP is interpreted as zero.最后一句,WP unconn...
24c02储存芯片的WP写保护引脚的手册解释不明白!When the write protect input is connected to Vcc,the entire memory array is protected against writeoperations.For normal write operations,the writeprotect pin should be grounded.When the pin isleft unconnected,WP is interpreted as zero.最后一句,WP unconn...
2-WIRE SERIAL E2PROMS-24C02D/04D/08D16DRev.3.0_01_U245. 2 Caution when raising the power supply voltageThe internal circuit of this IC is reset by the power-on-clear circuit. In order for the power-on-clear c
2-WIRE SERIAL E2PROMS-24C02D/04D/08D16DRev.3.0_01_U6Absolute Maximum RatingsTable 1ItemSymbolAbsolute Maximum Rating 数据表 search, datasheets, 电子元件和半导体, 集成电路, 二极管, 三端双向可控硅 和其他半
"java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: socket write error" 是一个在Java网络编程中常见的异常,它表明在尝试通过套接字(Socket)写入数据时,由于软件层面的原因(非网络硬件或协议问题),连接被异常终止了。这通常意味着对方在数据完全写入之前关闭了连接,或者本地系统在尝试发送数据时检测到了连...
2-WIRE SERIAL E2PROMRev.3.0_01_US-24C02D/04D/08D/16D3Product Name Structure1. Product nameS-24CxxD I - xxxx U 5Environmental codeU: 数据表 search, datasheets, 电子元件和半导体, 集成电路, 二极管, 三端双向
2-WIRE SERIAL E2PROMS-24C02D/04D/08D/16DRev.3.0_01_U43. Product name listProduct NameCapacityPackage NameS-24C02DI-J8T1U52 K-bit 数据表 search, datasheets, 电子元件和半导体, 集成电路, 二极管, 三端双向可控硅
2-WIRE SERIAL E2PROMRev.3.0_01_US-24C02D/04D/08D/16D3Product Name Structure1. Product nameS-24CxxD I - xxxx U 5Environmental codeU: 数据表 search, datasheets, 电子元件和半导体, 集成电路, 二极管, 三端双向
2-WIRE SERIAL E2PROMRev.3.0_01_US-24C02D/04D/08D16D7DC Electrical CharacteristicsTable 6ItemSymbolCondition 数据表 search, datasheets, 电子元件和半导体, 集成电路, 二极管, 三端双向可控硅 和其他半导体的