在处理“descend into write-protected directory”(即尝试进入写保护的目录)时,通常涉及到文件系统的权限管理和操作系统的命令使用。这里,我将分点解答你的问题,并尽量提供实用的指导,但请注意,由于你的问题并未指定具体的操作系统,我将以较为通用的UNIX/Linux系统为例进行说明。 1. 确认写保护目录的路径和写保护...
删除用 rm -rf 就不会提示descend into write-protected directory Permission denied是因为你当前用户没有删除这个文件或目录的权限 ls -l 可以看到文件目录的所有者 你可以用所有者用户删除,或者用root用户删
http://www.pythoncentral.io/recursive-file-and-directory-manipulation-in-python-part-1/ 【问题描述】 Windows 机器192.168.1.103共享了 /share/yasi 目录,并且赋予了写的权限,在Windows机器下可以用 yasi/pass 登录。在一台CentOS 6.3机器上尝试将该共享目录 mount 到 /mnt/yasi 上 mount -t cifs //192.16...
changing the permissions of the parent directory. If the parent directory does not allow write access, the files and subdirectories within it will also be write-protected. You can use the chmod command with the -R option to recursively change the permissions of the directory and all its ...
Problem is that every time I try to copy anything from Disk 1 to Disk 2 from either partition on Disk 1 I'm getting Error: Cannot write to O:\Whatever_Directory\I_m_copying_from_disk_1\file.txt Please remove the write protection. I have tried to change the attribute on both Disk 1...
cd vmware-tools-distrib/ ./vmware-install.pl 出现错误提示:-bash: ./vmware-install.pl: /usr/bin/perl: bad interpreter: No such file or directory 找不到perl 语言编译器 yum install perl perl -v 提示:This is perl,v5.10.1(*)built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi ... ...
C# Retrieve the Expiry date of the user in Active Directory C# Setting a window to always on bottom C# will not let me use a pointer and the code it not with with out one C# - change windows color scheme C# - How do you send message from server to clients C# - 'Using' & 'S...
In the new window, enter the “regedit” command. Then press Enter. Now go to the directory Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies. In the right pane, left-click WriteProtect. If you see the number 1, change it to 0 and click on OK. Rest...
Making a File Write-Protected Now, we will create another file named “test.txt” in our Home directory. You can confirm that this file is present in our Home directory by looking at the following image: To make this file write-protected, we will run the command shown below: ...