Write-Output将对象发送到主管道,也称为成功流。 若要将错误对象发送到错误流,请使用Write-Error。 此cmdlet 通常用于脚本,以在控制台上显示字符串和其他对象。Write-Output的内置别名之一是echo,类似于使用echo的其他 shell。 默认行为是在管道末尾显示输出。 在 PowerShell 中,通常不需要在默认情况下显示输出...
Write-Output 1 2 3 实际等于Write-Output @(1,2,3)或者Write-Output -InputObject @(1,2,3)
Write-Output 会沿着主要管道向下发送对象,主要管道也称为“输出流”或“成功管道”。若要沿着错误管道向下发送错误对象,请使用 Write-Error。 此cmdlet 通常在脚本中使用以便在控制台上显示字符串和其它对象。但是,由于默认行为是在管道结束时显示对象,因此通常没必要使用该 cmdlet。例如,“get-process | write-outpu...
4. $process = Start-Process -FilePath "${a}${c}" -ArgumentList "123" -RedirectStandardOutput ${a}${b} -Wait -PassThru 5. Get-Content ${a}${b} 6. Write-Output $process.ExitCode 7. Write-Output "Error: $process.ExitCode" 我的PowerShell脚本确实成功地输出了CMD批处理脚本文件返回的...
*success输出流 *、cmdlet调用和表达式(可选地通过显式Write-Output调用,但很少需要)输出 * 数据。
Below, you can see the most basic function of theWrite-Outputcmdlet. But read on to learn more intermediate to advanced usage of this cmdlet.<> Outputting objects to the console Passing Objects to Another Command In addition to displaying the output in the console, you can use theWrite-Outpu...
Write-Output [-InputObject] <PSObject[]> [<CommonParameters>] DescriptionThe Write-Output cmdlet sends the specified object down the pipeline to the next command. If the command is the last command in the pipeline, the object is displayed in the console.Write...
How to make the width of powershell script's output greater than 80 column? How to make Write-Output results display horizontally How to modify AD User telephone notes from Powershell How to modify group policy using powershell? how to modify samAccount for Group using powershell? How to mo...
Activity to invoke the Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Output command in a Workflow.C++ 複製 public ref class WriteOutput sealed : Microsoft::PowerShell::Activities::PSActivityInheritance NativeActivity PipelineEnabledActivity PSActivity WriteOutput ...