Write-Hostcmdlet 的主要用途是生成 for-(host)-display-only 输出,例如提示用户与Read-Host一起输入时打印彩色文本等。Write-Host使用ToString()方法写入输出。 相比之下,若要将数据输出到管道,请使用Write-Output或隐式输出。 你可以使用ForegroundColor参数指定文本颜色,也可以使用BackgroundColor参数指定背景色。 Sep...
Write-Host 将对象发送到主机。它不返回任何对象。但是,主机可能显示 Write-Host 向其发送的对象。 示例1 复制 C:\PS>write-host "no newline test " -nonewline no newline test C:\PS> 说明 --- 此命令显示输入到控制台的内容,但由于存在 NoNewline 参数,因此输出内容后直接跟提示符。 示例2 复制...
-contains "True") { Write-Host "删除成功" }else{ Write-Host "删除失败"...:JC ||" Write-Host "|| Version:2.0.1 ||"...
不要用Write-host,用Write-output就可以了。如:write-host hello | out-file -filepath C:\temp\a.txt 这个就没有输出。write-output hello | out-file -filepath C:\temp\a.txt 这个就有输出。至于为什么我也没有仔细研究。
获取Powershell write-host 的内容 如果是在powershell script 内部,想要将write-host的内容输入到一个文本文件,可以使用powershell的输出重定向功能, 可以使用以下方法重定向输出: - 使用 Out-File cmdlet,该 cmdlet 将命令输出发送至一个文本文件。通常在需要使用 Out-File cmdlet 的参数(例如 Encoding、Force、...
我希望将write-host存储为多行的变量 因此,我希望包含下面的write-host部分,这样就可以将其复制并粘贴到循环的开头,从而更新某些参数。$56 = (Write-Host "This is a test" -foregroundcolor green), (Write-host "Same Test only bigger"-foregroundcolor ...
in the PowerShell console. But there are some differences,Write-Hostwrites the text to the console itself, on the other hand,Write-Outputsends the text as an object to the next pipeline command. If no later pipeline command is provided, the Write-Output also outputs the text to the ...
write-host is the “printf” (or “echo > /dev/tty” for *NIXers) of the Monad script debugging world. You can just put the debug output string in your script and it may appear in the output, but you don’t want to do that. Consider ...
Your web services operations are consuming time, so add some Write-Host with "Working on it..." and after export csv one more as "Export completed" for visual clue. Rajesh rjesh.com|@rjesh You don't need to buy me a beer, if helpful just smile, vote, and mark it as answer....