在C 中通常使用 BOOST 序列化类来完成 以编程方式你可以做这样的事情: 写作: std::ofstream ostream("myclass.bin",std::ios::binary);if(!ostream)return;// error!std::size_tarray_size=3;ostream.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&array_size),sizeof(std::size_t));for(MyClass*it=array;it!=ar...
Write int in one line to std::ofstream::write() 我想将二进制文件写入文件。 我在看功能std :: ofstream :: write()。 它需要一个指针以及要写入多少字节。 反正我可以做一些简单的事情吗 1 ofstream.write(36); 而不是像...两行 int out = 36; ofstream.write((char *)&out,4); 相关...
OFstream(vtkFile)() ); } @@ -632,16 +662,17 @@ bool Foam::functionObjects::streamLine::write() { List<List<vectorField>> vectorValues(allVectors_.size()); forAll(allVectors_, vectorI) forAll(allVectors_, vectori) { DynamicList<vectorList>& allTrackVals = allVectors_[vectorI]; ve...
direct write from std::string.data() to std::ofstream.write() causes repeated characters in ouptut. I gave you enough info to make your own test code. try std::string content=“mac\rpc\r\nnix\n”; the c gets copied twice. something wrong in one of the C++ librar...
){ string str("abcdefg");ofstream outFile("atxt4.txt");if(!outFile){ cerr<< "unable to open output file: "<< "atxt4.txt" << " -- bailing out!\n";return -1;} outFile.write(str.c_str(),4);/*要求一个字符串类型char*,所以要转换*/ cout<< str;return 1;} ...
Hi I am using std ofstream to write a large file (1 to 2 GB) . How to handle the error in writing the fileWhat type of error can occur like ( no disk space)std::ofstream stream(fileName);stream << " write values" ; // writing lot of values stream << " write values1" ;...
}if( out.good() ) {if( !quietMode )cerr<<"Successfully wrote to PGM "<< type <<" stream\n"; }else{constaol::Bzipofstream* pOut =dynamic_cast<constaol::Bzipofstream*>(&out);if( pOut !=NULL)throwaol::Exception ("aol::Vector<DataType>::saveRaw: Writing to aol::Bzipofstream fai...
ofstream ofs; ofs.open("test1.json"); assert(ofs.is_open()); ofs << json_file;return0; } 开发者ID:github188,项目名称:BasicFunctionCodeBase,代码行数:21,代码来源:jsonCppTest.cpp 示例4: SignalQuality ▲点赞 2▼ intSignalQuality(Json::Value& response){if(!g_current_livestream.empty()...
#include <fstream> #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::ofstream; using std::string; int main() { string text("Some huge text to write to\n"); string filename3("tmp3.txt"); FILE *o_file = fopen(filename3.c_str(), "w+"); if (o_file) { fwr...
Hallo. I have an ofstream (called "file", originally enough) that has opened (tested it with is_open()) and has physically been created (I went & looked in...