fumbling Biden were disastrous, and their attempts to organize and communicate have failed as well. Even if, against the odds, they managed to retake the White House in four years, it wouldn’t matter. The country’s divide is not going away and the far right ...
So, I’m still in the fight and I want don’t want to let the perfect become the enemy of the good, but from where I sit, outside of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Jamie Raskin, I’m not seeing much good in the Democratic Party at the national level. I think that here in...
Headline example: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: TIME’s Person of the Year 2020 (cnn.com 418K shares) 2. Newness Newness trigrams featured in headlines that centered around unique, rare or one-off events and circumstances. Headline example: For the first time in history, U.S. billionaires ...
Over the last four days, we've heard Democrats, celebrities and Republicans take the DNC stage to urge voters to pick Kamala Harris as their next president - and warn of the consequences a second Donald Trump term could have. On the final night of the...
In the days leading up to Biden's inauguration many speculated that Trump would not be following the longstanding tradition of writing a note for the incoming president. However, the White House confirmed that both Trump and VP Mike Pence left notes for Biden and Kamala Harris before leaving th...
, well, that’s what Joe Biden does. It pisses off The Libs. Possibility Number 1 can immediately be stricken off the list inasmuch as Trump has no concern whatsoever for what is better for the world. Plus, that possibility would entail him weighing competing ideas and coming to a ...
2021 – Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States of America, championing the regular guy and gal and Kamala Harris becomes the first female or black or south Asian Vice President while white America loses their shit. Previous office holder, Donald Trump, is first ...
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Hi and welcome to the Attic, I'm Frankenberry of said Blog Title and I write of just my everyday here, sometimes funny, sometimes heart felt, sometimes angry, sometimes funny again because, well, who don't like funny, thoughts on getting older and someti
To be certain, Harris’ Pure Michigan day featured both a layup she missed and a cleanup she nailed. The missed layup: Asked by NBC’s Peter Alexander what Biden policies she might depart from, Harris cited Trump former Vice President Mike Pence’s limited criticism of his ...