It was early morning, and my bedroom was next to the kitchen. I’m not sure how the floor plan of the house was determined, but I was residing in what had been the nursery, and while the other five kids had to share rooms, I had my own space. My two sisters were stuffed in a ...
His complete lack of useful leadership and consistent downplaying and disruption of a helpful federal response to the pandemic caused the needless death of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of Americans, but whoever was in office, there would have been a spread and many deaths. The Unit...
It is a huge instrument on the long strings makes it possible to play very deep notes. The roll off the double bays is almost always to provide the tonal centre off the harmonic progression, meaning the root note off the cords. Common tuning is Iran, a one D two and G two, but...
The underdog plot is a sure-fire recipe for a story readers can care about, invest in, and cheer on towards a rewarding conclusion. Plus, it can be a lot of fun to write. Read on to learn more about how to craft an underdog story that will ring your reader’s happy bell. The U...
I do not understand whay the INFO message says that anonymous context will be used for read-write operations. I do not want to use anonymous mode so I do not want that INFO message to appear since it is raising questions as we do not want to allow anonymous (meaning unknown users) to...
I don’t know what the morning quiet should look like for anyone else. I know this: routine orders time and, with intention, becomes ritual. Ritual deepens beauty and meaning as we mark the seasons, celebrations, and transitions of our lives. It’s true in the night-to-morning transition...
Marketing and Creative Director of Dig Inn, where I lead the 360 rebrand of the company—messaging, communication, store design, branding, digital presence, paid advertising, and offline marketing, and was given the once in a lifetime opportunity to rebuild a brand that already had meaning and...
I’m done arguing, debating and/or discussing the meaning of quality, but I don’t think we talk enough about feminism, what it means to us, how it touches our lives and what it looks like in our communities. The testing community, in particular, seems to operate under this two-headed...
If one believes in a god, then that god provides rules and meaning for one’s actions – though, of course, even then no one else is required to accept your meaning. If one doesn’t place meaning in the hands of a supernatural being, then the meaning of life becomes whatever one choo...
I love these explanation stories – not only because they feel more like puzzles – but because I think we tell stories to create meaning out of meaningless. Santa gave her his boots.“What are these for?” she asked, her voice distorted by the torrential tears falling from her eyes.“Let...