The meaning of “骨” later extended to “racks or supports”, “quality” and “loftiness”. For example, when appreciating a vigorous calligraphy, the Chinese often use the word “骨力” (guli), literally as powerful as bones. “骨” is also an important ingredient in the Chinese cuisine...
Amodifieris any word that modifies (alters, changes, transforms) the meaning and intent of another word. These wordschange, clarify, qualify, or limit a particular word in a sentence to add emphasis, explanation, or detail. Some of these words are useful as conjunctions, words to connect tho...
A year or two later, I went for a walk at a local park. Near the beginning of the path, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a yellow fire hydrant.” Strange,” I thought. “Who notices fire hydrants?” Dismissing the feeling, I continued walking. No matter how far or fast I...
that there was no hope for her to birth her own children. If she chose Invitro, and more than one child implanted, she would have to have a “selective reduction”. The thought of this tormented her. I remember her shaking as she was explaining...
The meaning of “骨” later extended to “racks or supports”, “quality” and “loftiness”. For example, when appreciating a vigorous calligraphy, the Chinese often use the word “骨力” (guli), literally as powerful as bones. “骨” is also an important ingredient in the Chinese cuisine...
So I sit here this morning full of profound contemplation; a tiny urn of his ashes sitting sentinel across the room as I type these words. What do we do now? Where do we go from here? How do we make sense and find meaning in something that feels so utterly pointless? It seems only...
That number is actually about sequence similarity and not related genes – if we have 96% sequence similarity, meaning the exact same genetic code, probably even more of that genome is still in related genes. Genes can code for clearly related proteins/sequences and still not be identical, ...
It’s one thing to utter a phrase about a traitorous rising from an unexplored sense of family loyalty and pride. It’s an altogetherotherthing to recognize the danger in standing behind the true meaning of that phrase. I qualify to be a Daughter of the Revolution; I am not. I qualify...
And for what? It can take two weeks just to escape tourist Paris, to work through the obvious and the trite, the superficial and the cynical, until, perhaps only at the very end…a sudden shift in tone…a deeper meaning interjects itself. ...
So the king said, “Belteshazzar, do not let the dream or its meaning alarm you.” Belteshazzar answered, “My lord, if only the dream applied to your enemies and its meaning to your adversaries! 20 The tree you saw, which grew large and strong, with its top touching the sky, ...