In LaTeX math mode, spaces are overlooked, and letters are rendered in italics. Hence, in order to add normal text, we need special commands such as text, textrm, and mbox.
HOW TO USE LATEX TO WRITE MATHEMATICAL NOTATION There are three ways to enter "math mode" and present a mathematical expression in LaTeX: 1. _inline_ (in the middle of a text line) 2. as an _equation_, on a separate dedicated line 3. as a full-sized inline expression (_displaystyle...
You can write a LaTeX equation as follows: import{Component}from'@angular/core';@Component({selector:'my-app',template:`<ng-katex [equation]="equation"></ng-katex>`})exportclassAppComponent{equation:string='\\sum_{i=1}^nx_i';} ...
plus import of files in .tex format – currently the LaTeX support is limited to PDF output only. As with everything else in UX Write, this is an evolving codebase that takes time to get right. In future updates, you’ll see support for equation editing, BibTeX, importing files, extra...
HyperSnips Extension provides "context", which we use to tell our snippets whether cursor is within a math environment (such as \(x\), \[ \] and \begin-\end{equation}) or not. (Technically, it is an array of strings provided through vscode-textmate library.) Its benefit and limitation...
$a = b + c$ (no line break after the equation) share|improve this answer answeredNov 25 '13 at 19:18 user2956795 33749 add a comment up vote7down vote I can't deny that I'm not biased, but I prefer usingprettyPyover writing out full LaTeX expressions. ...