In LaTeX math mode, spaces are overlooked, and letters are rendered in italics. Hence, in order to add normal text, we need special commands such as text, textrm, and mbox.
\FOR{<condition>}<text>\ENDFOR\FORALL{<condition>}<text>\ENDFOR While-loops \WHILE{<condition>}<text>\ENDWHILE Repeat until condition \REPEAT<text>\UNTIL{<condition>} Infinite loops \LOOP<text>\ENDLOOP Precondition \REQUIRE<text> Postcondition \ENSURE<text>...
UPDATE, 31 Jan 2014: writeLaTeX (Overleaf) just announced a "rich text mode" update, but it falls short of what I call for in this review, since it still doesn't provide a math-entry mode. Not everyone (especially students) wants to learn all the intricacies of LaTeX! Overleaf is an...
Encodings::latexMathChar(c, mathmode, os.encoding(), command, termination)) {if(os.textMode()) {if(in_forced_mode) {// we were inside \lyxmathsymos <<'}'; os.textMode(false); in_forced_mode =false; }if(!isASCII(c) && os.textMode()) { os <<"\\ensuremath{"; os.textMode...
HOW TO USE LATEX TO WRITE MATHEMATICAL NOTATION There are three ways to enter "math mode" and present a mathematical expression in LaTeX: 1. _inline_ (in the middle of a text line) 2. as an _equation_, on a separate dedicated line 3. as a full-sized inline expression (_displaystyle...
one of which will be an introduction and another will be a conclusion. However, instead of just composing these chapters in the main.texfile, we'll create a separate.texfile for each chapter in the chapters folder. We can then fill in these chapters with text remembering to split them up...
Notice that LaTeX has automatically numbered it according to what chapter it's part of. It is also really important to label each figure so you can accurately refer back to it in the text using the\refcommand. If you added this in the text: ...
To write a vector in Latex, we can use\vecfunction $\vec{AB}=0_E$ \[\vec{AB} = 0_E\] or\overrightarrowfunction $\overrightarrow{AB}=0_E$ \[\overrightarrow{AB} = 0_E\] Note: as {Keyboard warrior} said in the comments\overrightarrowfunction looks more like the vect...
This displays contact information nicely formatted with a bullet break in between. This can be adjusted for longer addresses if necessary by adding a second function: \newcommand{\longcontact}[5]{%\noindent#1\hfill{\large\textperiodcentered}\hfill#2\hfill{\large\textperiodcentered}\hfill...
Exemple : \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{| l | c || r |}\hline1&2&3\\\hline4&5&6\\\hline7&8&9\\\hline\end{tabular}\end{center} \begin{tabular}{|*{2}{c|}l r|}\hlinemath&linux&dot&com\\center¢er&left&right\\\hline$\sigma$&$\alpha$&$\rho$&$\theta...