poll(NULL,0,1);while(ACCESS_ONCE(goflag) == GOFLAG_RUN) {for(i = COUNT_UPDATE_RUN; i >0; i--) {write_seqlock(&test_seqlock);for(j =0; j < n_elems; j++) testarray[j]++; write_sequnlock(&test_seqlock); barrier(); } n_writes_local += COUNT_UPDATE_RUN; } __get_thr...
seq) print(bytes(resp2)) print('###', resp2[TCP].payload) print('=' * 100) 我的GET 规则要求包的前 50 字节必须出现 GET / HTTP。但是 TCP 的握手想要包含数据还挺麻烦的。 查看IP 头的结构,发现后面可以加 options。一番学习总算构造出了合法的包。 from scapy.all impo...
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;//writer.WriteStartDocument();writer.WriteProcessingInstruction("xml","version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\""); writer.WriteStartElement("D","multistatus","DAV:");for(inti =0; i < _nameSpaceList.Count; i++) {stringtag =string.Format("ns{0}", i)...
客户端会选择一个序列号 seq = x (通常是一个随机数),用来标识这个会话的数据字节流。 SYN和ACK响应: 服务器 接收到SYN包后,会发送自己的SYN包作为应答。服务器的SYN包中,SYN标志位设置为1,ACK标志位也设置为1。 服务器选择自己的序列号 seq = y 并将确认号 ack = x + 1 设置为客户端的初始序列号...
postgresql用一个特殊的数据类型-pg_lsn(log seq num,LSN)来代表一个日志条目。lsn表示从wal日志的开头的偏移(64bit),lsn由两个16进制的32位数组成,中间用斜杠隔开。 => CREATE TABLE wal(id integer); => INSERT INTO wal VALUES (1); --开启事务,看下当前插入位置,然后做一些操作, ...
| SeqNum (8B) | Count (4B) | Entries | +---+---+--- ... ---+ 而其中的每个 Entry 将是: +---+---+---+ | Kind (1B) | Key (varstring) | Value (varstring) | +---+---+---+ 其中Kind 将有: InternalKeyKindDelete varstring InternalKeyKindLogData...
I am not having much luck with the FirePower 1010 platform. I have had to RMA two devices so far and I've had an unrecoverable software crash on a third. I'm now back to two devices - one from the original delivery and a second new one as we have
("Adafruit DRV2605 Basic test"); I2C_DRV.begin(5, 6); bool status_drv; status_drv = drv.begin(&I2C_DRV); if (! status_drv) { Serial.println("Could not find DRV2605"); while (1) delay(1000); } drv.autoCal(); drv.printRegisters(); //--- } uint8_t effect = 1; voi And...
ISpatialAudioRenderStreamForHrtf::BeginUpdatingAudioObjects method (Windows) ISpatialAudioRenderStreamForHrtf::GetAvailableDynamicObjectCount method (Windows) DWordPtrToUIntPtr function (Windows) InterlockedOr8Acquire function (Windows) IDCompositionRotateTransform3D::SetAngle methods (Windows) Required Interfaces...
Writing a JSP application consists, syntax-wise, of writing your desired output page in HTML and, where you need the dynamic bits, putting Java code and/or other special syntax inside special delimiters that begin with <%. There are four special delimiters that we should describe if you're ...