Write ONE word for each gap. Example: 0 hope From: Jenny To: David Hi David, I you're well. It's my brother Tom's birthday month, and I don't know to buy him for a present. Have you got ideas? He's the same age you, and likes the same kind of things. Thanks, Jenny ...
Write ONE word for each gap. Example: 0 much From: Giles To: Aunt Nel Dear Aunt Nel, Thank you very (0) for the book you sent me. It was very kind you. Actually, History of Space Travel sounds like brilliant title. I'm really interested that kind of thing – exploring space and...
Write one word for each gap. Example: 0 forFrom: Anita To: Sasha Thank you (0) ___ your email. Living in Canada sounds really great! I’m glad that you like 1 new house. What’s the weather like? 2 it very cold in Canada? Does it snow every day? I heard that a 3 ...
WriteONEwordforeachgap. From: Joanna To: Emma Hi Emma, At school, you said that you don't have any plans for the weekend. Well, how meeting on Saturday morning? I thought maybe we could go a bike ride. We can go to Moreton-on-Sea, and get something eat. I went there by bike...
Write ONE word for each gap. From: Cara To: Ashley I'm in Ireland staying 0 with my friend and we're having a great holiday. My friend's house is near the sea, so we can swimming every day, and there are lots of other things to do as well. Yesterday we rode horses on the be...
For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap.Hi Julia, Thanks for your invitation to go camping (0) with you at Green River this weekend. I’m afraid I can’t because I (1) going skiing this Saturday for the first time. you ever tried it? I think it...
For each question, write the correct answer. Write ONE word for each gap. Welcome 1 my blog! My name is Mark and I'm 23 years old. I was born in Australia, but I grew 2 in France. 3 the moment, I am working in Paris, as a photographer for a fashion magazine....
1For each question, write the correct answer.Write ONE word for each gap. From: Bea To: Tania How are things? Are you busy 1 the moment? 2 you remember our conversation last weekend about going 3 the theatre? Well, the play 'Fathers and Sons' 4 showing next week at West Theatre. ...
Write one word for each gap.Example: 0 fo From: Anita To: SashaThank you (0) ___ your email. Living in Canada sounds really great! I’m glad that you like 【小题1】 new house. What’s the weather like? 【小题2】 it very cold in Canada? Does it snow every day?I heard ...
填单词,补全短文。 For each question, write the correct answer. Write ONE word for each gap. [剑桥通用五级考试 KET 真题]Example:O toFrom:Marcia To:Annie I am trying 0.start a girls' basketball team at college. Are you interested1.joining it? Basketball is 2.excellent way to get exercise...