When we use these words in a sentence, we have to use a special rule. The rule is that we use a singular verb with these words. That means we say "wants" instead of "want". But, there are some other indefinite pronouns like "both", "few", and "several". When we use thes...
Well that means how much do you agree. You don’t need to agree or disagree. You need to think about it and think do you agree with all the sentence, is there something that you don’t agree with? Do you agree with most of it? So that’s how you analyse it. 2. Hooks Let’s...
the verb usually looks identical to how it would appear in any other sentence. However, things get more complicated if you have a first or third person singular subject (likeI,he,she, orit) or use the verbbe.
Why can't write a sentence. but i studded a worded "at the most"on yesterday, the mean i know. 分享18赞 我在常州你在哪吧 keensmile 被动的使用 和不能使用的的地方(7)有些动词以其主动形式表示被动意义,特别是当主语是物时,常见的动词有sell,write,wash,open,lock等。英语不能用被动语态的若干...
It’s the official name of the ‘non-standard’ mark of punctuation that you deploy when you end a sentence like this – ?!? or !?! Technically, one uses the interrobang to add emphasis at the end of an exclamatory rhetorical question, but I have been known to chuck one in (blithel...
As I was explaining yesterday, it’s really the proponents of the three-sentence pitch that have made many writers frightened of adding interesting or even necessary details to their pitches. I consider this a mistake, because if you’re pitching a novel, you need to demonstrate two things: ...
Leave a comment from →Tuesday Thought Thursday Tip: Using colons to link elaborations March 15, 2012 byjcaponio Like the semicolon, the colon joins in one sentence two ideas or elements that might be expressed in separate sentences, strengthening the bond. The second elements are often definiti...
This reminds me of how different grammarians would respond to a sentence like that. Traditional grammarians would be keen to label each part of the sentence: what kind of sentence it is; the subject and the object; the tense of the main verb, etc. Transformational-generative grammarians woul...